Chapter 24

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Harry's Cake↑

Liams POV

   'Hazza don't you think you should sit down for a second?' I ask the extremely pregnant boy gently not wanting to set him off, even though with his mood swings its enviable. He just hit his eight month and immediately started nesting. Doctor Johnson warned us about this saying it's impossible to try and stop him but for us to instead make sure he isn't over exerting himself. He also explained the new symptoms Harry will experience and none of them sound pleasant. He doesn't say anything just directs his death glare from the stain on the counter towards me. "You're in for it this time Payno." Louis chuckles as he grabs something from the fridge. Wishing me luck and placing a quick peck onto Harrys cheek he leaves the little war zone that has become of our kitchen. 'Harry all I'm saying is that your feet must be soar you've done a lot of work this morning. How about I give you a nice foot/leg massage? I'll even use the lavender scented oils...' with me using his weakness he was quick to waddle towards the couch as he loves massages especially when we use that oil.

   Quiet puffs of air pleasantly escape his lips as I work the knots out in his legs, smiling happily as his muscles were able to relax. 'Better Haz?' I ask moving towards his ankles he blissfully nods his head enjoying every moment of this massage. "Hey loves, hi princess, hi princes!" Niall exclaims cheerfully as he enters the room picking Harry head up and placing it into his lap as he sit on the couch massaging Harrys curls. "Is this the best massage you've ever had babe?" Zayn asks joining us as he smiles at Harry fondly. <Nope, Zeus and Apollo were WAAAY better at massages! Plus they were very easy on the eyes.> he teases with a smirk on his features but keeping his eyes shut. Zayn and I just laugh at the comment while Niall clutches his heart jokingly faking a hurt expression. "I thought we were the best." he says sadly faking a sniffle <You four are the best looking men by far.> Harry replies sweetly grabbing Nialls hand from his hair and placing a soft kiss onto his knuckles. Niall just grins like an idiot for the rest of Harrys massage, feeling confident from the compliment.

   "HARRY NO!" I hear Louis yell from the bathroom quickly causing the rest of us to rush and see whats wrong. Harry's on his hands and knees scrubbing our bathroom floor trying to get rid of the invisible dirt. With his stomach being so big it just rests on the ground no pressure being put onto it whats so ever. His hair was tied back by a bandana as he wears a floral apron and some pink rubber dish gloves. He just gives the four of us a smile before turning back on his mortal enemy, the invisible dirt. "Harry enough! You need to get off the hard floor and off your hands and knees. Let us help you clean instead of you getting on your hands and knees okay?" Zayn tries to suggest as he lifts Harry to his feet but Harry being stubborned just shook his head walking past us and starting to remake our bed as he just washed everything... twice.

   He refuses our help as the day wore on getting more stressful for us. We've each caught him doing something he needed to ask for help but refused and acted innocent every time he was caught. 'What are you doing now?' I ask completely exhausted from trying to keep up with him all day. <frosting a cake, now shhhh I need to focus.> he pipes with one hand while signing with the other never taking his eyes off the five tiered cake. "Why are you making a cake?" I ask as I'm shocked he hasn't felt the need to take a nap as I feel like I do.  "Did somebody say cake?" Niall asks as he races into the kitchen. I swear he has super hearing when it comes to someone mentioning any kind of food. He gasps at the sight of the cake even tearing up a bit as he walks towards it. He spots the bowl filled with buttercream and dips his finger into causing a huge glob of frosting to appear on his dipped finger. He was about to do it again before Harry smacked his hand and booted him out of the kitchen. He always hates it when Niall comes in when he's baking or cooking as he eats most of the stuff Harry needs. He looks back at me as he completely ignored my question from earlier and points at the door. Catching his drift I walk out of the kitchen into the living room where all the boys were sprawled out on the couches. I take my place next to Zayn cuddling into his side as the four of us drifted into a peaceful sleep.

   The smell of Harry's cooking woke us from our not so short little nap as we pretty much slept the entire afternoon away. There was a bang followed by a rattling sound coming from the kitchen cutting our stretches short, we race in to make sure Harry's alright. We rush in only to see Harry trying to bend down and pick up an empty metal bowl he must have dropped. Zayn was swift to his rescue easily picking up the bowl and giving it to Harry. It wasn't until then when I finally noticed how clean everything was, everything sparkled it was that clean. Not only in the kitchen but the entire house was completely spotless. <Go sit boys, dinners ready> he tells us. We sit at the table and admire the feast Harry set out in front of us as he had everything from salad to mashed potatoes to chicken to seasoned veggies and so much more but the cake he beautifully decorated sat in the middle perfectly on display. Everything was delicious  as always but I couldn't help the thought that just kept pestering me...

  How am I gonna keep him off his feet?

Hello World,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please feel free to vote, comment, follow, check out my other Harry mpregs all of which are Zianourry shipped, or do all four! I would really appreciate if you guys started to leave some names down in the comments. Remember their expecting two boys and a baby girl.


Harry's Cake:

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