Beofre and Aftere

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(Ok so like kirishimas family is rich because Kirishimas dad is a lawyer a really good one so yeah kirishimas family got that BAG 💰💰💰)
Kirishima POV (age 11)

Today at school bakugo wasn't there he wasn't feeling good so I couldn't see him but it was ok
"Hello sweetheart how was school?" Mom asked "boring katsuki was sick today" I said "yeah but he will probably be back Mon- *cough*" mom was coughing really bad "oh you ok mom?" I asked her "ye- *cough* *couch* yeah honey I'm fine" mom said butt I knew she was lying "ok? Well I'm hungry did you make dinner?" I asked her "yeah it will be done any mi-" mom then passed out
"MOM!" I ran to her "m-mom?!" I looked at her pail face "DAD!" I screamed for him "Eijirou stop yel- Oh no what happened?!" He ran in "I-I DONT know" tears fell from my face "I'm calling 911" he ran for the phone


-at the funeral-

She is gone
My mom is gone
The only one who understood me
"Hey Ei, we are sorry about your mom. And I'm sorry katsuki couldn't make it he isn't doing to good still" bakugos mom came up to me "It's ok, she is ok now" I said I didn't want to go up to the life less body "Hello mrs and mr bakugo" my father came up to them "Eijirou why don't you go and say goodbye to her" dad said "mom didn't want a goodbye she says it pointless" I said plus it makes me sick to my stomach to see her "Eijirou just go up there" dad kept pushing it on me "hey why don't you let me talk to him" bakugos mom said "ok of you want but he is stubborn" dad then walked away and started talking to other people "it's ok if you don't want to look at her it must be stomach twisting to see your mother life less" bakugos mom sat next to me "I don't want her thinking I don't love her b-but I just can't d-do it" I told her "it's ok you don't have to go up there and I'm sure she knows you love her very much, oh and that reminds me here a letter from katsuki since he couldn't make it" she handed me a letter

Dear kirishima,
Sorry I couldn't make it but I'm still sick.
I am sorry about your mom but I'm sure you are sick of hearing that but it sucks. If you want we can talk about it or we can just forget about it but either way I'm always here to talk if you want.
I'll talk to you the next time I see you but hope you are ok
And I'm sorry about what happened.

"Thanks" I smiled my hands were shaking but I just tried to push my feelings away
"I'm going to go up there if you want you can come with me but you don't have to" bakugos mother said getting up and holding out her hand "O-ok" be manly and push the gear away it's only mom nothing else nothing scary
I grabbed her hand and walked up with her
When I got up it wasn't as scary as I thought it was only her "T-thank you"I told her "it's no problem and I know I'm not your mom but I'm always here for you if you need a mom figure" she looked at me "o-ok" I hugged her

- 1 years later-

"Your failing again?!" Bakugo said "yeah, I hate math so much it's annoying tell me when you are going to need to divide x with a in life" I asked, as we walked inside of my house "yeah that is pretty annoying" bakugo agreed with me
We went into my room and saw a girl sitting on my bed "who you?" I asked "you got a sister I didn't know about?" Bakugo asked me "no" I said "HEY! who are you and why are you in here!? Mom said while we are here this is my room so Get out" she yelled at me "then your mom is on some kind of crack because this is my room" I said "it's pretty lame" she crossed her arms "we can just go to my house to do the work" bakugo said "sure" I said, we then turned around a walked out just to run into a lady and my dad "Eijirou go make us some dinner" my dad said "1 why is there a random girl in my room 2 can't you make it your self and 3 who is this?!" I asked "that is my new girlfriends daughter because I told you to and my new girlfriend" dad told me "New girlfriend?!" I was surprised "new girlfriend?!" Bakugo was even surprised "Bokuto was it you can just go home Eijirou is going to be busy" dad said "but we need to study" I told him "no buts no heck's no double decker dicks" dad said "fine" I sighed "I'll see you tomorrow then Ei" bakugo said "yeah see ya" I watched him walk out the door and hen a couple minutes later I felt a sharp pain and burn on my face and I fell to the floor "o-ow" I held my face with tears falling
"I told you he was weak" my dad said "yeah he really is" my dads new girlfriend laughed "why did you do that?" I asked "because you are weak" my own father said
"He is weak selfish stupid worthless a piece of sh(cuss) and at his own mother's funeral he didn't even want to say goodbye" my dad looked at me "now make us dinner" he then walked away
Why was he doing this?
Am I really worthless
Do I really matter

-a couple months later-


I haven't attend anything in 1 week and 5 days I'm starving
So so hungry
"I'm hungry babe" my dads girlfriend said "okay cupcake, EIJIROU MAKE BREAKFAST !" he yelled at me "I can't I have to go to school right now" I grabbed my stuff then saw an apple on the counter, "so hungry" I thought
Then I quickly grabbed it and ran out the door so fast I couldn't even blink
"HEY!" my dad yelled
"He-" I knocked into someone "sorry" I said getting with the apple falling out of my hand "dammit" I saw the apple fly into the road "Hey why are you in a rush to get to school?" I saw it was bakugo "oh I thought I was late" I said "I knocked your apple over you want mine?"  He asked "no it's fine" I said "take it" he got an apple out of his lunch box "you sure I'll feel bad" I said "don't be I already had breakfast and my mom always packs me them and I hate them" he told me "Oh ok thank you" I said
"So what's tonight?" Bakugo asked "huh? Ohhhhh well I DONT cate what we do" I said (they are talking about a sleepover) "ok well we haven't slept at your house in a while so want to sleep there?" He asked "sure" I told him
Maybe dad won't mind, he knows bakugo and I are always spending the night at each other's houses so maybe he won't care


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2020 ⏰

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