Christmas Eve

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Hey guys ! Thanks to those who are still reading ! Love you all dumplings!

Well , what to tell you ? We apparently survived the end of the world . Other than that no great stuff . Only SHIT!

Taylor apparently called Niall a pig! Harry , you blind bro ? IF SHE DID we no longer respect her .

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Faith's P.O.V

As soon as the car came to a halt, I ran outside. The air smelt pure and fresh. Everything seems quieter. Who would have thought that only a few metres away from busy London would have been that different?

I ran along the pathway which led to the immense wooden

house in front of me.

With its wooden structure, overhanging eaves, sloping roofs and large glass windows, it radiated a holiday sort of effect and reminded me strongly of the Swiss Alps.

It must have around a good forty rooms considering the number of people who were going to be coming for Christmas. Even then I'm pretty sure we'll have to share the rooms but that shouldn't be a problem unless I end up sharing it with some loud snorer.

As I rang the door, a lady maybe in her fifties opened it. Her hair was tied in a tight bun at the back of her head. She looked really strict. If it weren't for her ruffled blouse and the apron over her skirt, I would have probably mistaken her for Professor McGonagall.

"Hi," I beamed with enthusiasm.

"Hello, are you one of Mr. Payne's guest?" she asked.


"Come in," she gestured.

Just as I was going inside Harry reached the doorway panting.

"You could have helped me carry all these stuff, at least your own luggage bag,"

"I thought you were a gentleman," I pointed out.

"Heather and Niall are bringing their stuff, you're just plain lazy,"

"Whatever," and I started walking towards the car because by the looks of it, all my stuff will remain in their.

As we got inside, everyone dropped their luggage on the floor and Heather and I raced towards Louis.

"Happy Birthday," we screamed as we engulfed him in a hug.

"Thank you girls," he said as we pulled apart.

"My gifts?" he said putting his hand forward.

"Well Christmas is round the corner, you'll get them along with the others," Heather replied for both of us.

Louis being the childish one, literally peered around the corner and said " I can't see Christmas there,"

"It's hard to believe that you're 21," I said.


"Coz you clearly don't act like one," Heather mocked.

"Well for your kind information I do. You might ask Eleanor,"

We all definitely understood his innuendo and I could see Eleanor turning beet red.

"Oh really El? What does his do huh?" I asked.

"Faiiiith," she scolded me and we all started laughing.

"I'll tell you what we do," Louis said.

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