Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

This was my chance to get away..

Yes i live in Italy, yeah it is the worst place I could of probably lived. Of course I love eating pasta and pizza day, everyday. Many awful things have happened while living here. I just want to move away start all over again. Turn a new page in the book that's all I want and maybe then everything will go just fine. It didn't have to be butterflies and rainbows all I needed was change.

My parents they are not around anymore they didn't survive the accident like we did.


The roaring sound of the thunder kept me awake all night. My father had bags under his eyes from the pain and agony of travelling. We was on our way home from a wonderful journey. I personally had the time of my life in Rome. There's was nothing to talk about. My mum sat in the back trying to calm Jessica down. Jessica is terrified of storms. I suggested to my father that we stop for the night and stay at a motel but he was keen on getting us home. I dozed off into a deep slumber. 4 hours later I woke up the the sound of our tyres screeching. I screamed in shock. It was too late. The car spiralled out control. We had been hit by a lorry. The car hanged off the top of the bridge. The deafening sirens could be heard from miles away. Jessica slept peacefully on my mothers lap. Dads eyes shut as soon as the car stopped. My dear brother sat next to my mum bawling his eyes out. By the time the ambulance arrived my parents were gone. Forever. They were never coming even as a 8 year old I understood that.

Back to present

I was glad my big brother was here for me and Jessica. As soon as my brother get the job he's worked extremely hard for we are going to move to california! California is an great place although i've never lived there i knew that moving there would change my life. My sister Jessica get along with everyone she's one of those people that everyone wants to be friend with. Jessica is that adorable little sister everyone wanted to have and I was thankful she was my sister. Oh god i don't know what i'd do without her.

I only ever made one promise to my parents that i'd stay strong no matter what and someday that I will fall in love and that one person was going to change my ways.

In a couple of weeks were moving leaving out pasts behind us because thats the only way forward. In my current high school. The school where I had been bullied for having no parents and being raised by my brother and Aunt Susan who had her own children to look after and none of us wanted to be a burden on her. Afterall she was the only family member who cared for us. The rest of them wanted nothing to do with us after the accident. That hurt for a while but we got used to the fact that the other members of our family couldn't care less about what we might have been going through.

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