"It Finally Came"

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The next day.

"Good morning Nishikata-kun!!"

"Mornin' Takagi-san," said Nishikata.

Takagi: Let's have our breakfast. My parents have already waiting downstairs.
Nishikata: I'm on my way.

20 minutes later....

Nishikata had already gone to the lake. He might be fishing alone.

Takagi: Mom, did you see Nishikata?
Takagi's Mother: He's gone outside for the lake.
Takagi's Father: Before you go, bring these with you.
Takagi: Oh, some snacks? Thanks Daddy!

Meanwhile at the lake......

Nishikata wasn't fishing at all. He just sit there and listening to his music player.

Nishikata exhales heavily.

"Thanks for myself from the future. It's all safe....for now.."

He holds a letter. Which he'd recognized. It was from himself but 10 years apart.

The letter said:

To: Nishikata

Hi there Nishikata. You must be wandering what this letter was meant for, right? And you must be expecting that this letter was Takagi teasing you. No, it wasn't Takagi. Here 10 years later you will have two choices, Risk your live to save her or save yourself first.

I've chosen to save myself first. And I lost her. Takagi's dead. If I tell you what was happened that time, you'll get yourself panic. I want you to save her.

I hope you can do this task once for all.

Regards from,
10 years apart.

Nishikata let out a heavy sigh. Knowing that something bad will happened. He then noticed that the letter he hold disappeared into thin air.

He noticed something wasn't right. He looked at his phone.

A message were received.

"You've done a good job. More better than I hoped. Now, stay safe. Protect her. SAVE HER".

Nishikata then felt a distress from his mind.

He sensed something.

"Nishikata! Hey, where you've been?" Yelled Takagi.

Nishikata noticed that a shadowy figure standing nearby about 20 feet from Takagi. It was holding something in his pocket.

Takagi asked him, "Are you okay, Nishikata?"

The figure then aimed his gun at Takagi. Trying to kill her.

"RUN NOW!" Shouted Nishikata.

Takagi noticed the figure and ran away as fast as she could.

The figure pulled the trigger and shot a bullet towards Takagi.

Takagi closed her eyes and felt a warm touch.

Nishikata hugged Takagi. Covering her from the bullet.


Nishikata heard a whisper.

The whisper said, "Get up, Nishikata. Fight your fears!"

More bullets fired. But both of them wasn't hit at all.

Nishikata hold the bullets and turned it back to its owner.

"You've supposed to die, Nishikata". The figure then starts to talking.

"What are you talking about?" Nishikata confused.


The figure yelled and stabbed Nishikata on his chest.

After done stabbing. The creature disappeared.

Takagi cried and called the police. Hoping him to be fine.

Sent to hospital. Called her parents. Doctor's said that he need to undergone a surgery. With the lowest chance to survive.

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