Chapter Eight

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soooooo the original chapter 8 got deleted and so this ones going to be really bad and I'm sorry :(((


When we got to the hospital all I wanted to do was find the nurse who had helped us earlier. When I found out that she had gone home a little bit ago. I walked up to the counter and asked a nice looking old lady with curly gray hair, "I'm looking for Taylor Caniffs room," she gazed up at me and told me it was just down the hall and on the right. Then I basically ran to the room. Dillon, Nash, and Cameron right behind me.

"woah. I've never seen him this still," Cameron said trying to break the silence. Nash agreed making me giggle. We stood there for a little bit longer taking in the fact Taylor was in pain. "We are going to get food from the cafeteria. You two want anything?" Cameron asked and both Dillon and I said 'no' before the other two left.

"What am I going to do Dill? I can't let him do this to me. I can't get hurt again," Dillon nodded. "I just- I can't let him. You know I've only wanted him so why would I try to be with anyone else?" I just don't understand him. This amazing handsome brown haired boy. I sat on his bed and moved hair out of his face. "I love him Dillon," I looked up at him.

"I know he loves you too Abs. You just don't see it. He has only been about you since the first day he met you." I grabbed Dillion's hand and squeezed it. "I don't know what he's thinking, but he can't get away with it. not this time. You'll have to be hard on him and make him chase you." Dillion's idea was totally right and it was what I needed to do. "Abby you should sing. It'll make me feel better, and I know if he can hear us he'll be happy."

I looked at Dillon and started singing You&I by One Direction. "Oh you and I" somewhere in the middle of the song I started crying and Dillon was sitting in front of me.

Nash walked through the door oblivious to my crying, "we come barring muffins!" his voice high pitched and happy. The corners of my mouth grew to a smile. Forgetting the tears in my eyes I gave the childish young man a weak smile and excused myself to go use the bathroom.

It didn't take long after walking out the room to loose all control I had. Once I reached the bathroom and made sure no one was in there I let a cry screaming when I did. All I could ask was why. 'Why is this happening to me?' 'why is he doing this?' 'I don't deserve this!' That's all I wanted to scream letting all my anger out with that one scream and cry for Taylor to make everything better. I knew that wouldn't happen. I know he won't be there for me like I want him to be, I doubt he will change and grow up and be an actual adult. I collected myself and looked into the bathroom mirror, my eyes were blood shot and puffy. It was obvious I had been crying for a very long time. After some time collecting myself I walked back to the hospital room.

Before I walked in I heard laughing not just any laugh his laugh. Taylor's laugh. My heart sped up and I tried to contain my happiness and take Dillons advice to play hard to get.

"Abi! Finally! We called you like a jillion times to only find it here in the room," Cameron told me.

"How long have you been awake?" I asked Taylor.

"Not very long five, ten minutes at the most. Better question, are you going to
come give me a hug?" he opened his arms and gave me a smile. I couldn't hold mine back and I flashed him a smile and a small laugh before walking over to him for a hug. As I was hugging him he whispered in my ear, "I heard everything you said. Abi I will do anything to get you to forgive me because I love you so much. I'm so stupid for hurting you." I didn't say anything because the nurse walked in.

"Glad to see you're awake Mr. Caniff, I'll go get the doctor to come check you out," then she hurried out.

We made small talk for a couple minutes until a old bald man with a long grey beard walked in. He looked above his glasses to great us with a smile. "Alright Taylor, you broke your arm and you should come back to a doctor in about two-three weeks then you should be able to get a soft cast and do what you please. Is there still pain?" Taylor shook his head and the doctor wrote it down. "Well, just in case it does just take a few Advil or ibuprofen and you should be just fine. Feel free to leave whenever." Dillon and Cameron shook the doctors hand before he left.

"So when do you want to go Tay?" Nash asked.

"How about right now? I'm so done with this hell hole," Taylor joked. He ended up in hospital all the time.

"Well let's go gimp." Dillon grabbed Taylor's good hand and pulled him up. Taylor swung his arm around Dillons neck then they walked towards the door. Somehow Taylor managed to grab me and put his arm around my waist.

We headed out to the car and back to the hotel. When we had got to the car and started driving Nash turned to me and showed me a picture on his phone. It was Dillon, Taylor, and I walking out of the hospital with our backs to Nash. It was such a cute picture. "Send it to me?" I asked Nash.

"Already did," Nash replied as my phone dinged.

I saved the picture and went to Twitter '@itsabilynn: the three amigos' was the caption and my notifications instantly blew up with love for Taylor. I smiled and looked at him, he was looking out the window as we passed different buildings. I sighed and leaned my head on his shoulder, I felt Taylor get tense then relax as he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.


yay I fixed it hooray!! tbh I like this ending a lot better on this one. woohoo!<3

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