Chapter 1

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Lana's POV

"So what are we now? Like what is this we are having?"

"What do you mean what are we? You're my girlfriend?'

" Since when? You never officially asked me. I'm not"

He giggles and smirks then turns to look at me. "Well if you are expecting me to go about that whole cliché process then you're going to wait a lifetime."

That last part just did it for me. Seriously? Who says that? I thought to myself . I couldn't even utter a word at that instant because that line was so hard to digest.

"Then you are just in to play with my feelings and move on. Probably infatuation. You know what? Forget that I ever asked."

" You are such a naïve person. You seem like the person to later tell me this was a phase in your life."

'What?" I was completely confused.

"What?" He also asked.

There was automated silence that followed up. We stood beside the lake which began to give off this breeze rendering me to feel cold. He was a gentleman at least to offer me his jacket still in silence because we don't even know

what happened and some moments of silence, I finally spoke up.

" Can we go home now?" I turned to see him looking deep inside the lake. "Clyde, can we please head home now? I'm feeling sleepy."

" Alright sure."

The entire journey was accompanied with silence. I couldn't stand to look at him as my attention was on what he said earlier. What have I gotten myself in?

30 minutes later,he pulls up in front of my driveway and I hand over his jacket.

"Oh don't worry. You can keep it.'

"No thanks. It was worth it when I desperately needed it an hour ago. Its cool. Thank you  so much anyway."

" Sure, if you say so."

I smiled and turned to open up the door to leave. " Erm Lana?" I got interrupted.

" Yeah?"

" I'm sorry...for...what I said....back there"

Honestly speaking I had already found a thousand ways to end him but it wasn't worth showing it out.

"Don't worry, See you in school tomorrow."

"Yeah, sure. I'll text you when I get home."

" Alright then. Drive safe."

Again, he interrupted me.

"Lana, I didn't get a kiss."

"Not today Clyde. Bye."

I finally got off his car I made it to the door of my house. Some part of me had a feeling that my mom was looking at that entire scene from the window but let me just doubt that that happened.

The door was unlocked. Probably mom got home so tired that she forgot to lock it . I quietly closed it shut and locked it. I turned and screamed.

"Oh shut up there young lady" My mom yells back at me while I was screaming.

" Mommmmm, why would you scare me like that?"

" Why would you return home this late? What says the time?"

I look at my phone and it is 22:59. I gulp on my own saliva. " Well.....?"

"Well what missy? Care to explain why you were in a car with a guy I have specifically told you to stay away from? Milana Agnes Mills, when are you going to see that he is no good for you?"

"But mom.."

"Let me do the talking here young lady. When is your curfew?"

I was looking down at the time because I couldn't look up at her to respond." 21:00"

"..And Miss Lana chose to return an hour and 59 minutes later. Very mature and responsible. "

"Maybe if you didn't get pregnant at 17, you wouldn't be so scared about my life."

The end of that statement was accompanied by a hot slap. "Don't you ever utter that rubbish from your mouth.... Ever again. I am your mother and I will act according to what I believe is right for you..... You will know that if you were thinking straight..... Go up to your room!" She scolded.

I didn't hesitate to run past her to my room and closed, draining myself in bitter tears from the slap and the previous occurrence with Clyde. I wanted to text Clyde but he had equally shuttered my heart and is undeserving of my text right now.

Grace's POV

"Don't you ever utter that rubbish from your mouth.... Ever again. I am your mother and I will act according to what I believe is right for you..... You will know that if you were thinking straight..... Go up to your room!"

I was extremely angry from the words that came out of Lana's mouth that I slapped her with so much rage. She ran past me to her room upstairs.

I looked into my palm after slapping Lana. I mean I didn't really intend to that but it came out naturally. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of hot milk then made it to my room. I got there and for a moment, I was lost in my thoughts. I began to get flashbacks of how my parents reacted when they found out I was pregnant with Lana.


"Okay, I've had enough of you puking around this house. Who is responsible?" My mom ,with her glasses drawn a little on her nose looked me in the eye and asked. I panicked a little but gave no response."Grace, you better start talking."

I still stood there saying nothing then later heard some footsteps approaching. It was my dad.

"What's going on here? I heard your voice from downstairs." He questioned.

"Well how about you ask your daughter here who is responsible for her pregnancy because she hasn't said a thing since I asked and I know for sure that she's pregnant." My mom told him and he now gave me the look. "When last did you see your period?"

I was so tensed that my body automatically became numb to everything that has been happening.

For a couple of minutes,I stood there without saying a word.

"Engracia,did you not hear what your mother said? Who is responsible?" He scorned. Right about time that my brother and sister came out of their rooms to see what's happening. He calls me by full name when I have done something quite disappointing.

"Look Pete, I've had enough of her already. I'm going to get dinner and you,young lady, aren't eating a thing until you come clean." My mom to my dad and myself.

"Engracia, for the last time,give us an ans..."

I developed teary eyes as she reproached and suddenly felt a slap on my face.

"Pete!" My mom exclaimed.

"No daughter of mine lives an irresponsible life and gets to be sheltered by me. Leave this instant!"

"Pete..." My mom now feeling sorrowful tries to talk calmly to my dad.

" Now I hope you two know how I would react if I should hear of such nonsense in this house." He told my siblings, Kayla and Franklin.

------Flashback ends------

I drop my glass of milk on the night table and kneel beside my bed.

     "Dear God....I know I haven't been the best of myself and I have done something I swore not to do to my child. Lord,please forgive..." 

That brings us to the end of this chapter. Let me know what you guys think in the comment session. Please do not forget to like and vote. Thank youuu!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2020 ⏰

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