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You laid your palms flat on the counter while your head hung low. Today was just one of those days - the one where you felt sad. There wasn't a particular reason as to why you were, you just were.

People could argue you had a great life, a happy one. But the truth was, they just didn't understand. They didn't understand why you built your walls so tall. In this moment, the walls you surrounded yourself in collapsed.

You broke into tears. You slowly looked up into the mirror to see what mess you had become. Your eyes wandered to a razor a few feet away resting on the counter. It was just asking to be picked up.

Your recent cuts on your wrists burned as your tears fell onto them. You didn't even hear the front door open and close.

Heavy footsteps walked around the small apartment for a few moments before they stopped in front of the bathroom door.

When this person softly knocked, you shouted at them to go away and leave you alone.

Derek held his breath on the other side of the door. He knew you hadn't been in the right mindset right now and he tried to get you to open up but you refused and shut him out. He would've asked someone to help him, maybe get Hotch involved, but that wouldn't be fair.

He lightly pushed the door open and walked in.

"Baby, what's going on?" Derek glanced at your teary eyes and they eventually landed on the razor, and then your wrists.

Before he could speak again you stood up straight and cut him off.

"Don't. Just leave." You wanted to be alone so you could continue with your plan. After all, you planned that today was the day. Today, your pain could end.

"I'm not going to do that." He slowly put his hands up. "Let's just talk." You scoffed and rolled your eyes, glancing at the razor that was begging to meet your skin.

Talk? Really? As if "talking out" your feelings would help. Why couldn't he just leave you alone? Why was he so worried? It's not like he was in pain...

Derek broke the rule of no profiling. He watched you intently before picking up on your next move. He immediately reached for the razor. You lunged for it too but ultimately Derek was quicker and closer. He held the object above you.

"Derek! Give it to me!" You desperately tried to claw it from his hand but he was much taller and stronger than you. "God give it please!" Tears flowed down your cheek and Derek soon joined.

"Do you hear yourself? You want to hurt yourself! Why?" His voice broke. He always thought you were happy whenever he took you out for dates and you both drove around endlessly with no real destination in mind.

Was it him?

He slowly backed away until he bumped into the wall. He wrapped an arm around your waist so you couldn't fall backwards. You repeatedly punched his chest to try and get him to drop the razor. Alas, when he wouldn't give in, you eventually gave up.

What was the point?

You slowly sunk into his arm in an endless sob.

"Hey, hey." He threw the razor into the garbage can and moved his other arm around your waist, both of you falling to the ground.

You had turned around in his arms in another attempt to free yourself from his affection but his strong grip remained. He buried his head into the side of your neck.

"Shh baby, it'll be alright." He whispered, moving his arms around your neck and pulling your back flush against his chest, slowly rocking you side to side.

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