chapter 6

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TW: chapter contains mentions of alcohol and tobacco addiction

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TW: chapter contains mentions of alcohol and tobacco addiction

Chapter 6 - Sometimes, Alcohol Isn't Good for You

Friday: Night - Sunday: Dawn


The cold still reached into the car, forcing me to huddle within my jacket. I sighed and looked towards Russia. "How are you..." I paused. Wait. What's USSR- Russia doing here? It looks like USSR, but he's wearing Russia's clothes? He looked at me with a confused look before his face turned a look of realization.

"Shit..." he groaned. He didn't speak, and simply held up his right hand to show two rings, one with the cutout of a can opener, and the other being a silver ring with a Mockingjay engraved in it.

I immediately made the connection, and slipped out the necklace hidden beneath my jacket. I held it up for him to see as well.

He chuckled. "Two Finches, damn, an especially bad sign," he joked. I giggled before letting my necklace swing loose as I got out of the car. "Are you heading in or what?"

He made his way out from the passenger side and headed to the cabin. "Hah, I'm obviously not staying in the car."

 As we made our way in, he helped me with some stuff and got the samovar up and going again. "So what's yours like? I'm sure you can guess what happens to me." Looking over I gave a smirk. "I dunno~ what is it?" I teased. "Fuck off." He threw a dry towel at me and turned away.

"Psh, fine." I took a seat on the couch and began to dry my hair. "So, I just see the past versions of everyone. So like, if I look at you, I just see USSR-" the gears started turning and everything clicked. "FUCKING- oh my god I'm so stupid." I groaned and shoved my face in my hands. "How did I not realize it was you? I had my glasses off the whole time, if it was really the infamous USSR, I mean not to take credit away from you, I would've seen your grandpa! The motherfucker who sold me Alaska!" I leaned my head into the table and groaned. "Fucking knew something was weird."

He let out a deep laugh. "So that's the pinnacle of your genius, huh. I imagine I just look like USSR right now, right?" "Yeah," I mumbled. "Interesting. I suppose I look like him to anyone in this form though." It was confusing. Seeing, hearing USSR, yet the personality was completely off.

We chatted and had some tea, before he went outside for a quick break. He was still drunk, so I guessed he needed some air. I stayed inside, alone with my thoughts. I was never sure if we were friends, as I couldn't tell if the name calling was in a joking manner. And even then, he never sat with us at school or bothered to DM me first.

Heading outside, I saw Russia in the grass holding a bottle of vodka. I waded my way through the grass and took a seat next to him.

Taking a deep breath I asked, "Do you hate me?" He looked at me with a confused look. "Is that what this is about?"

He sighed and tried to smile reassuringly. "I... I don't hate you. It's just complicated." He glanced solemnly at the floor. "Not like I got to be buddy-buddy with you before shit when downhill."

Russia set down the bottle in the grass and laid his arms on his knees. "Doesn't help if you're drunk and hungover all the time. I used to stay away from it, because your parents talked about how it was a bad idea right?"

He smiled fondly into the distance, as if he was seeing something beyond the trees and the fields of grass. "Actually, I tried it once when I was little; completely hated it at the time. But... after he died, I guess started getting into it. I knew he drank a lot, so I thought that was how I should deal with my issues." Russia frowned bitterly at the grass.

"Somehow I started drinking everyday. That's when I realized too late." He quietly swallowed.

"Ha, It didn't help that I got into smoking. I know it's bad. I've always known. But after USSR died, I couldn't really face the real world. I know you might be glad that he's dead, but for me it was and still is tough. It might be hard to understand, but I ask that you try."

I tried to give him an encouraging smile. "...If you need to talk about it, I'm here you know." I placed a hand on his shoulder.

Russia huffed. "You're a good person. Don't fall into the same traps I did, okay?" I elbowed him. "I won't, I promise."

We sat in silence, watching the stars drift by as the sky changed into more purple hues. Soon I drifted off to sleep, laying my head on his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around me.

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i kinda wanna juts end this where it ends and idk how to ad dmore so take a kinda short chapter

im sleepy and also need to work on hw

hwhahahaha hope u liked it <333

ughh i hate holding back the plot twist while also working on what u wanna write w/ the plot at the same time >:(

edit: came back to this bc I was adding chapter titles (but not on Wattpad yet bc I'm lazy) and realised how bad the writing was sooo I made some small(ish) edits 👍

dec 10, 2020

edited april 30, 2023

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