Chapter one

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It's a new year, 1984. Nothing really to be excited about, except the fact I have to move out to Los Angeles. New people, new house, new well, everything.

I've been driving around to find a good aerobics class but none really catch my attention except one. Luckily it's only a few minutes from my house. As I walk in everyone is already doing their thing and I quickly join in. I love aerobics. I can't imagine a time where it's not there anymore.

Just as the class ends I gather my stuff and head to the main lobby.

"Hey, you're new here huh?"

I turn and see a blonde girl with frizzy big hair and obnoxiously chewing gum.

"Yes, I'm Brooke I just moved out here," I tell her.

"Okay new girl. I'm Montana."

I see three guys coming behind her and somehow she just knew exactly who they were.

"This is Xavier, Trevor, and Chet."

"Sup," they say in unison.

Xavier has a very buff body figure and looks like a model so does Chet. Trevor is scrawny and looks kind of wimpy.

"Have you guys heard of the recent murders? It's so crazy he cut her whole head off and robbed her house. They're calling him the Night Stalker." Chet says excitedly.

Murders? I have not known about these. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to move out here around this time.

"Yeah I heard killers are most active during summer time because everyone leaves their windows open," Trevor states.

My heart drops because I've been sleeping with my window open from the past nights. What if he could have killed me?

"Guys stop! You're scaring Brooke," Montana tells them.

She grabs my shoulders and reassures me that,

"Nothing is going to happen. They're just trying to scare you."

"Yeah yeah you're right. Well I'm going to be heading out. I'll see you guys tomorrow. It was so nice meeting all of you."

I grab my stuff and start to leave.

"Oh wait Brooke."

I turn and see Chet is calling me over.

"Tomorrow we're actually going out to Camp Red Wood to get out of here for a while. Just until the murders die down. You're welcome to come if you'd like."

"Umm I don't know guys I have to study and do some homework."

"Oh come on Brooke you don't wanna stay here when there's a killer on the loose. Do you?" Chet tells me.

"Ugh I guess I'll go."

They all cheer as I walk to my car. I run some errands and get groceries. It's getting dark out so I try to rush. I live alone and I really don't want the Night Stalker getting me.

I head into my house running with fear hovering over me. I feel like somebody's watching me but it could be just because I'm scared.

Just as I was drifting to sleep I heard a loud thud. I immediately open my eyes. I scream at what's in front of me. My heart is beating and I freeze in shock not even being able to scream. I jump out of my bed and run in the bathroom. A man was hovering over me with a devilish smile. He doesn't bother to chase after me; he just slowly walks my way.

"Who are you?" I say quietly.

"Have you not heard of me?" He says getting closer and closer.

His face only inches away from mine.

"The Night Stalker." he whispers.

He starts digging in my jewelry and putting everything in his bag. I start to hear police sirens and I hope that they're coming for me. Maybe my neighbors heard and called them for me.

"I'll be back for you. I'll find you. You're not getting away this easy."

He leaves and I sit there in disbelief that that just happened to me.

The police talked to me and asked me a bunch of questions.

It was the next day and I'm in the car with Montana, Chet, Trevor, and Xavier.

"There's no way that happened to you Brooke that's crazy. What did he look like?"

I ignore the question not even wanting to remember what happened to me.

"Leave her alone guys. He won't find you Brooke there is no way he can know you're at Camp Red wood. No one goes there. Plus we're going to be counselors there for the kids. He can't possibly want to murder you in front of kids.

"I hope not."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2020 ⏰

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