Teen Napping

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Hey yall hope you liked the first part even though it was awful in my opinion, but what can I say I'm new. Anyways time to get this show on the road.

Abby~ Okay sorry for being an intrusion, but on the other hand does it really matter you were just beginning class anyways.

Chloe~ Just tell us who the heck you people are or I'm calling Daddykins !! Some kind of peasants with those outfits you're wearing.

Abby~ For your information Chloe buying both of these together are expensive for clothes.

Abby~ For your information Chloe buying both of these together are expensive for clothes

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(What I am wearing)

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(What I am wearing)

Alix~ Um excuse me, but do you mind telling us who you guys are and why we are here?

Abby~ Of course, lets start from the beginning. Hi, names Abby and you guys are here with us to react.

Rea~ Hello, my name is Rea.

Katelyn~ Hey, and my name is Katelyn and if I have to be honest I'm kind of intrigued to see where this will go.

Abby~ Now we're getting off track here a-

Lila~ OMG Abby don't you remember me we were bff's in Pre-School.

No One~ I then gave Katelyn a look that said ' is she for real right now ' and she knew what I meant.

Katelyn/Abby~ I'm sorry, but it is obvious you are lying and we can prove it. 

Abby~ You aren't one of my siblings' friends and she's never mentioned you so * Pfft*. Also, I wasn't even alive back then.

Rea~ Anyways we bought a mansion so that is where we will be reacting this place is just so we can explain and introduce and apparently now lie.

No One~ And with that all three of them clapped our hands and we ended up in front of a big mansion.

Welp that's end of part two and frankly this one is much better quality. 

~Anyways Bug Out Peeps~

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