Author's Note

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Dear whomever it may concern,

Hello! I'm Elliott Brian, but you can call me Eli. Or Elliott. Or Eb. Or Smelliott. Or Brian, or Socks, or Edward-

Erm...back on track. I'm here, writing this (er... typing this), to tell you about the book you're about to read, Flowers for my Love. It's a good book so far (in my opinion, at least), and I feel you'll enjoy it.

Onto the important things. I have Flowers listed under Creative Commons, meaning you, the reader, can adapt or translate it as long as you credit me. That means that if you, say, think you could improve Roses are Rouge, all you have to do to adapt it is DM and credit me. On that note, you could also, say, translate the whole book (including this note) into German if you so pleased (with, of course, credits and a DM to me). Just... don't claim it as your own, or you'll get hell from me. Seriously.

Anyways, onto the book!

Love y'all platonically,

Elliott Brian

(picrew link:

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