Chapter 6⃣

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The bell rang so me and Michael were walking to class. Then I saw Alissa and her friends 🙊. I guess Michael saw that I was pretty 😖 scared. "Don't worry, I'll always protect you" he said. The. He kissed me 😻. I felt kinda better after that but I was still scared.
It was p.e. While the teachers waited for everyone to sit down on their number, I sat down next to this girl. She was pretty. "Hi" she said "what's your name??" "Hiii it's Mellanie what about you?" "Sarahi" she answered. Throughout p.e we talked. Got to know each other ya know?
When I got home I just threw my stuff on the floor and jumped on my bed 🏃💨. I guess I was tired and fell asleep.

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