Chapter One.

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On his first day, Leal led her to an angel who assigned a soul of the earth and she -what considered a very human attitude for a Leal- of having to meet him excited. As the angel said, the person was a good kid , but poor family, lives with his mother who mistreats once it reaches his job as a waitress in a cafe with legs, the child is mostly raised by his brother, or it was passed until the second life.- If the angel knew it was not mentioned- .

When the girl was alone with Esme , she turned around looking at Catwalk .

- Leal Well , you know everything you need to know , you only duty is to protect the child from defectors , go have good dreams and feel accompanied and protected . You must remember that if you see a deserter have to use this, ' gave a sort of tube silver- put your content in the child every day, to protect him from the hands of a deserter .

The girl nodded as Esme was still indicating things she had learned since coming to paradise as a deserter is usually a dense shade - which mostly only loyal can see, although the deserters may also terrorize the people of that or another training but when it is not presented in his old body as loyal .

The girl said goodbye to Esme when this had finished his explanation and headed for the portal.

He walked slowly , nervously passing through the black passageway, and understood that the name should be . It was just a long, dark hallway.

He walked until a blinding light came into his eyes causing entrecerrara . The familiarity of the place disconcerted , yet it was all so strange that felt like mourn but nothing in it physically -you dam showed your feelings, the voice of a Leal, the first thing he saw upon arrival and that the he guided her to the angels turned to a door, the little house , as is as they had shown ; and came there with his head down , wearing her school uniform , getting the car of a friend 's mother dismisses this by hand and little in the car pulls his head out the window .

-Hey Martin ! Do not forget cuts tomorrow , if you can not take I'll take more than I get right?

- Okay , buddy.

The guy gives him a half smile and her friend tells her mother to follow his path.

Martin , my little thinks . His name sounds in his head, memorizing . It will be the only thing I think the rest of his immortal days. The boy seems to have about 12 years , but his expression makes him look like a tired man of 30.

Martin walked to the door of his house , passing over it , who flinched at the situation, but regained his composure and drug offenders inside the house , which was not with any, sure.

The girl did not know if it was that had already acoatumbrado to peace and harmony in the sky, or was he had never seen such a disaster as it was the child's home .

The house is dark, small and messy, very messy , the sofa seems to have been destroyed by rats , the coffee table is not where it should and the only thing that seems to use it as an ashtray. Martin does not bother to open the curtains , or turn on a light or lamp, walk towards what appears to be her room and closes the door shut before I can enter. Stands still was with surprise and puts his palm on the door and it crosses so choose go that way , silently ghostly.

Seeing Martin leans on the door -deseando not fall thanks to his power ghostly looks sitting on his bed staring at the ground - No I fell , hopefully this noe play tricks , she think.- And then cry, cry as a little boy and all the above expression goes, all you see now is a little scared and runs to him , embraces , caresses his black hair. Her tears began to slow down , your breathing becomes slower , but then sadness turns to rage and she lets him, he grabs a pillow and throws it against the wall, stands up and throws all the toys from his shelf, boots furniture and when it ends drops to the floor , hugging her knees to her chest, but not crying , just breathe heavily back tears in her eyes. She looks down at the ground , I sit on it and embraces the child again . Without knowing with precision how long were so, he gets up , puts an alarm within two hours and then go to bed . Not knowing what to do, she choose wait.




Still waiting.

The room was undone Martin continues as he had left shattered. I stood up and walked slowly furniture. In his nightstand there were pictures ; he and his smiling brother both have the sweaty , happy face, ending what was apparently a play baseball , Martin was missing two front teeth he smiles but does not seem to matter , seems happy to be with her ​​brother, she would so happy to see him every day.

Although it was his first day with his younger liked this apodo- is like I knew him forever, like his own hand. He knew his life now is for him , unless it meets a certain amount of old no longer need it and assigned to someone else ... you want to know more about him , his life , what he likes and what no, their hobbies or habits; but it was quiet , I knew I had enough time for that.

Slamming her out of her thoughts and start, Martin felt not only moved in bed without waking . She looked at the alarm, just 10 minutes to sound , got up and left the room , walked down the hall where he came earlier, a woman dressed commonly tossed her purse and jacket so broken chair, putting both hands on the table the kitchen.

-MARTIN, MARTIN!- she repeated .

Martin left his room with drowsy but alert face , ran down the hall toward women.

- Here I am mom, sorry for...

His mother slapped him. The girl's eyes widened in disbelief , all that was new to her ... Martin looked down with eyes full of tears, but her face was neutral .

- Where's dinner? Huh ?

I thought you'd be later mom, I would raise just to make ... - Martin under the tone of his voice, and looked at his mother with eyes wide open .

- Been sleeping again ,did I tell you to sleep in the afternoon! Do you want to be a nobody like your father ?! Do something useful, you're useless ,if I had daughters instead of two foolish children , no future , no job, they have not done anything for his mother! You'll end up just like your brother ! DEAD!

- My brother is killed by you guilty Martin said quietly .

His mother was sitting on the couch, watching TV as usual, the girl did not know how this woman could be so cruel to his own son,both children !, thanked God that the Loyalists not remember anything about his past , or that boy would die again to see how they treat their brother.

- Your brother died because of him , I warned you not to mess with such people and it did caso.- she was watching television , as if talking about the weather with one of her friends , what problem was that woman?

- You would never say anything , you always said you no matter what he did so long to bring home money ,money you were you spending on those awful clothes you wear ! Of prostitute ! I wish you had killed you and not him ! -Martin Ran to her room crying, locked and put safely to your door.

The girl stared at the woman, who rolled his eyes. He spent several minutes watching television , after a few minutes he got up and went to the door of Martin , while the girl followed.

- Hey Martin She touched the door , help me make dinner.

The Leal entered the room of Martin , he did not cry , but tears were marks on his cheeks. He did not answer her mother. He lifted the things he had thrown hours ago , apparently also turned off the alarm and saved the pictures of his brother. The ignored her mother and continued arranging things when he finished out a book , The Little Prince, began reading sitting on his bed and Leal sat next to him. She watched him read all the time , and not feel boring , read with him entertained until a voice broke the silence.

Brother, wherever you are , I miss you . I do not know if it endures without you .

Martin kept his eyes fixed on the book but not read.

Why did you abandon me ? always hated our father , why did what he did ? I'm tired of mourn , being weak , I can not be a man if I cry . All I want is you by my side.

Martin closed the book and put it on her nightstand , he changed his pajamas and went to bed.

She knew it was her time. She pulled the protective tube that was delivered by Esme - never had seen its content opened the lid and poured what was inside on the head of Martin . A fluorescent layer silver covered his entire body and Leal stayed quiet because I knew then that would give anything to protect that guy ... until a dense shadow moved outside the door , got scared and protected Martin arms instinctively , but know what to do .

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