A New Start

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Harry's POV:

When they interviewed me I felt like yelling to them that I like Kate. I don't really know why but I have a feeling she's the perfect girl. I was so nervous to text her but I did.

At the end I invited her to come and like chill at the park and she said yes. Yes! I went to the hotel and grabbed some cloths that will look good.

Right after I changed someone came inside. I froze. "Harry? Why the heck are you looking so hot?" Asked Louis and laughed.

"Well.... I want to go to the park and look good for the fans l" I winked. Louis just laughed. "Oh ok" he continued. And I just left.

I finally got to the park and waited for Kate. While waiting I got a message and right away opened it to see who it was.

ZAYN: hey where are u???

ME: chillin at the park

ZAYN: ok just come back at 11 we need to get some rest for tomorrow.

ME: ok

And that was it. I waited for a few minutes until I got another message.

KATE: are u there?

ME: yes I'll be waiting

KATE: ok

Right away I almost jumped and on the inside I was doing a happy dance. While waiting I would see some couples hugging and kissing and that made me feel awkward because I'm here sitting all alone for a while.

I was just sitting all bored until I heard some footsteps coming from behind. I didn't dare to turn so I just pretended I didn't hear it.

"Hey Harry" I looked up and saw this beautiful girl"

"Hey Kate" I smiled. I looked down to see what was in her arms.

"You wanna play basketball?" She asked lifted up the ball. I don't know how to play. But I want to play with her.

"I don't know how to play basketball" I tilted my head a little and a confused face. "I'll teach you" she said bouncing the ball towards the court. I just smiled and followed her. "So, this is called dribble" she said while bouncing the ball back and forth.

"Now you try" she threw the ball at me and I caught it. "Nice" she smiled. "Now go on". I started to bounce the ball and I was to nervous to bounce it in front of her. I'll get distracted and would lose the basketball a lot.

"Don't worry that's how beginners start" she said. I just nod and continue. Minutes later I get the hang of it and get better. "There you go" she said. "Now we are gonna practice on your shootings" she smiled. God, I love her smile. While day dreaming I was interrupted by her "you got it?" She asked. "Yea" I blushed.

Then I start to shoot and will miss really bad. I was turning bright red for that. I guess Kate noticed because she came up to me and would touch my hands and would move it how your supposed to do it.

I begin shooting and would miss a little this time. After a while I would make them. Yes! Finally. I said to myself. "Good job. you ready for a game?" She smiled and cracked her knuckles. "You bet, if you win I'll leave you alone and you don't have to go to the concert but" I stop. "But what?" She said.

"You have to go to the concert. And after that you might change your mind" I winked. Kate was thinking. "Hmmm... it's a deal" she said already jumping. "Let's go then" I she said rubbing her hands together.

"Ok" I said dribbling the ball. I get to take it out first. I start off running to make a shot but right before I was gonna try Kate stoled the ball real fast. Dang she's fast.

She makes it in. "One and zero" she said making an evil smile. I had to take it out, again, and then start dribbling. Kate tries to steal but I switch hands and make a lay up. Yes I made it.

"Looks like we're tied" I said

"Ha we won't be soon" she said putting her hair in a ponytail. "Game on" I said.

She takes it out this time and starts running off but I got her trapped. When she was about to make it out one of my fans came in and pushed off Kate to the ground and scraped her knees.

"Oh my goshhhh!!! Can you sign my shirt please!" She yelled not even noticing Kate. I ignored her and picked up Kate. "Are you alright?" I asked full of worry. I then bend down to check Kate. I saw her knees all scraped and bloody.

"I... I don't know. I can't feel my left knee and my right one is hurting bad" she said trying not to cry. "I'll take you home" I said and picked her up to my arms.

"Th...thanks" she gave me a weak smile.
"Don't talk, it'll cause you more pain" and u noticed on the side of her forehead was bleeding bad. I'm so sorry I thought.

I took her to her house and knocked on the door. "yes?" The elder lady asked and notices Kate bleeding on my arms. "What happened?" She asked full of worry.

"I'm so sorry it was my fault. I should of known I won't have some peace alone" I said feeling guilt in me.

"Are you Harry Styles?" She asked. I just nod and she understood. "Thank you very much for helping my granddaughter" she said.

"It was nothing but I'm terribly sorry, may I see her tomorrow?"

"Yes of course we'll wait for you" before I left I took Kate to her bedroom and kisses her forehead. "I'm sorry" I let a tear come down to her check and left.

Thank u guys for reading my book.

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