December 11 - Explosive Gifts

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POV: Hii Suzumiya
Last night I was up for hours making cards for Mikoto, Toritsuka, Saiki, and Satou. All of them were kind enough to befriend me even though I'm such a klutz. I tried to write them all a nice note pertaining to them as specifically as I could. I really hope they all enjoy their cards.

I make my way to class and see Toritsuka messing around with some of the guys in our class.

"Hey Toritsuka!" I say running over to him and trip over a rock that happened to be on the ground and smack my face into the desk.

"Hii!" He yells and runs over to me helping me up. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, yes I'm fine." I assure him. "I wanted to give you this."

I pull the card I made for him out of my bag and hand it to him.

"What's this?" He asks.

"Just a Christmas card. I'm handing them out to all my friends." I smile.

"Thank you so much! I can believe a cute girl made me a card." He squeals.

"Of course." I reply and make my way back to my desk.

I notice Satou in his desk already and I blush a little.

"Satou I have something for you." I exclaim and take a seat.

As soon as I sit down I scream because there was a fork on the seat I hadn't noticed.

"Oh my gosh Suzumiya are you okay?" Satou asks immediately coming to my aid.

"Yes I'm sorry. I should've noticed that there was a fork on my chair. I'm such a klutz." I giggle.

"That's-what? That's not even normal. That doesn't make you a klutz." Satou exclaims.

"Here." I say and hand him his card.

"This is for me?" He lightly blushes.

"Yeah." I smile and he reads it with joy.

"Thank you Suzumiya." He says with a big smile


After class I go to hand the rest of my cards to Mikoto and Saiki. I see them leaving the classroom and I run up to them.

"Saiki, Mikoto!" I shout and then trip over a small barrel of gasoline that happens to be on the floor and fall setting their cards on fire.

"THERE'S A FIRE!" Takahashi screams and everyone starts running. 

"Hiiiiiiiiiii!" I hear Toritsuka scream and he yanks my arm to get me to follow him to run out of the building. 

Everybody is able go evacuate in time and Matsuzaki was able to stop the fire with the help of Hairo.

I guess I'll have to make them new cards...

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