The Cat is Out of the Bag: Chapter 14

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The two super heroes didn't know what to do next. Ladybug's identity was revealed to Cat Noir and Cat Noir was in love with Marionette this whole time. "What are we going to do?" Cat Noir finally said in a panic.
"I don't know, but I can't give up being Ladybug. Well I'd still be guardian, but it's not the same." Marionette said worried.
"I can't be Cat Noir with out you Mylady." Cat Noir replied.
Marionette looked up surprised, Cat Noir still loved her even though her identity was revealed.
"I'll have to give my miraculous to someone else."
"Well if your no longer Ladybug, than I'm no longer Cat Noir. Plagg claws in." Then Cat Noir instantly turned into Adrien Agreste.
"Adrien? I can't believe you've been Cat Noir this whole time. The one I was in love with, was trying to be with me this whole time!"
"I know, and it's even crazier cause I've always seen us as friends and now you the girl of my dreams."

The two teenagers looked at each other they finally know who each other are, but they don't know what to do know. Then they heard a beep on their phones it was the news. "Don't be bemused it's just the news, I'm Nadia Shamock report live that the newest villain is raining terror all over Paris. We have no idea where Ladybug and Cat Noir have gone, or if they will return soon."

Then Ladybug gave her quammi a bite to eat and said, "Tikki spots on!" and Cat Noir called to Plagg and said, "Plagg claws out."
The two heroes then leaped across the roof tops holding each other's hands. They kept jumping roof to roof until they found Lady Honesty.

"Yay you've come back. Now you can help me look for Marionette." Lady Honesty said delighted.
Ladybug and Cat Noir looked at each other.
"No Lady Honesty we've come to capture your acuma." Ladybug announced.
"Well now your lying, you'll never take away my powers."
"I would never felie to anyone." Cat Noir said laughing at his own joke even though his nose had disappeared. "Now come on Mylady, let's take this super villain down."
"Ok, Kitty."

The heroes started to attack Lady Honesty, they were about to get the acuma when Lady Honesty kicked Cat Noir and made him fly across the roof. Ladybug ran to Cat Noir.
"Are you ok Cat Noir?" Ladybug said.
"Yes, it just hurts." Cat Noir said in pain. He then tried to stand. He eventually stood, but groaned in pain the whole time.
"Are you sure you can still fight." Ladybug asked concerned.
"I'll push through for you bugaboo." Cat Noir said smiling through his pain.

The two heroes began to fight again and Ladybug called out, "Lucky Charm!" and a weight fell from the sky.
"Umm," Ladybug said as she looked around, "I know what to do follow my lead."
Then she took the weight and quickly tied it too Lady Honesty's bracelet . Her arm then fell to the ground and Cat Noir yelled, "Cataclysm!" and destroyed the bracelet. Then the acuma fell out and Ladybug captured it. Lady Honesty then turned back into Maddy.

"Wait what if we don't remember our identities?" Ladybug said.
"It doesn't matter if we forget, I'll always find you." Cat Noir said as he held Ladybug's hand, and brought her in for a very passionate kiss.

Then their miraculous beeped so Ladybug quickly said, "Miraculous Ladybug!" Then everything returned to normal and the two heroes forgot each other's identities. Then they both said pound it in unison. Ladybug took Maddy home and the heroes returned home.

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