𝗺. 𝗼𝘀𝗮𝗺𝘂 | 𝗮 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗺 𝗷𝗮𝗰𝗸𝗲𝘁

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when you and osamu see eachother at the store, he sacrifices his warmth to help you out a bit.

warnings: none
wc: 702


it was the coldest day in december so far. when the school day ended, a teacher asked you if you could help her carry some things to her office. but, you didn't estimate it would take over 20 minutes. now, you missed your bus. in any other situation you would of just called your parents, but you forgot your phone at home that morning. so, you were stuck walking home in your uniform.

the cold wind prickled against your skin, and you were really regretting helping out the teacher. but, it was too late now. so, you looked around for the nearest store. you had to get some things anyway, so you just hoped it wasn't freezing in there. you walked for a couple more minutes, when you finally spotted a corner store across the street.

you silently cheered, and walked towards the store. when you walked through the doors, the heat hit your skin like a truck and you were extremely grateful you could still feel all your limbs. you walked over to the snack section, picking up a couple things of f/f and tucking them under your arm.

there weren't many people in the store, and you were grateful for the silence. the cold brought you into a very bad mood, and the only person you'd actually wanna be around right now is-


you heard a familiar voice behind you, so you turned around to see osamu standing there. his grey eyes travelled up and down on you, scanning your outfit with a confused look on his face. "are you trying to freeze?" he asked, and you rolled your eyes.

"why would i be wearing this by choice?" you responded, and he looked at your outfit once again.

"did you leave your phone at home or somethin? i've been calling you for.." he looked down at his phone, and back up at you. "30 minutes"

"i forgot my phone at home this morning" you responded, shrugging your shoulders. "what are you doing here? i've never once seen you voluntarily leave your house during winter"

"who said it was voluntarily?" you both laughed. "my mom needed advil, and i needed stuff for a project, so i just went anyway" he added and sighed. "it's cold as balls though".

"wow, how elegant of you" you retorted back, and laughed. "anyway, i should pay and get home soon. it's already getting dark" you said, turning around and walking towards the register.

"oi, wait a second!" he said, grabbing your sleeve as you turned back around. "why don't you just come to my house? it's only a 4 minute walk from here, and your house is pretty far" he said, and you thought about if for a second.

"what about my mo-" you were saying, but he interrupted you. "i'll tell her" he said. "since when did you have my moms number?" you asked him in a confused tone.

"oh, we're besties. how do you think i got all your baby pictures?" he smirked, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. you shook your head. "of course she did"

"sure, i'll come over" you said, and so, you two paid for your stuff snd left the store. when you walked out, you forgot how cold it was and shivered against the harsh weather. osamu noticed you shiver beside him, and looked down at your figure.

suddenly, you felt warmth surround your upper body, and you looked beside you to see osamu putting his jacket on you. "we can't have you catching a cold, can we?" he said, and placed a delicate kiss on your lips. "yknow, sometimes you're pretty sweet for being a jackass 80% of the time"

"annnnnd, you ruined the moment" he said, and you both laughed. he hugged you close to his side, as you both walked towards his house in comfortable silence and plans for a long night of cuddling.



idk why this took me so long to write since it's only 700 words skdjsjjd

but, i think i like it? idk

i'll try to post again tonight but i kinda suck don't expect too much from me

next up: kenma finds your shyness adorable.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2020 ⏰

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