Weakening Pretense

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Tatsuki walked home from karate deeply troubled. Once more, she had seen a incomprehensible flash of pain in Orihime's eyes. Tatsuki, yet again tried to understand why Orihime seemed to fall apart at random moments.

If this was any normal sadness Tatsuki would have confronted her long ago, but this emptiness frightened her. She had almost asked Ichigo if something else had transpired while in Heuco Mundo, but she believed that Ichigo would understand no more than she did. But the way that Orihime seemed to die inside-

"Hey Tatsuki!" A familiar voice called, making Tatsuki blush uncontrollably.

"What's up Uryu?" She called turning around to face the slim figure of Uryu Ishida.

He pushed his glasses into position before replying, "I am on my way home from the Karakura High School Handicraft Club."

"Cool," she replied nervously, " but isn't Orihime supposed to be in that club?"

"Well, she stopped showing up a few months ago. She didn't tell you?"

Tatsuki slowly nodded looking away from him.

Uryu looked slightly disturbed by this, "Something is clearly wrong with Orihime. We all need to talk. I will get Chad, you get Ichigo and Rukia and meet us at Urahara's. We have to help her!"


Orihime was again shaking in her bed, blankets tightly wrapped around in an effort to hold her soul together. Orihime could feel the facade she had established with her friends crumbling, as a comfort she could never return to.

All she wanted was him. That outwardly emotionless, powerful, breathtaking man, whose name she had denied access to her thoughts for all this time.

"Ulquiorra Cifer" She wispered to herself, cherishing every syllable, "Ulquiorra" she said again, louder. This is the last thought I will have before I die. Content with her decision she slowly rose from her bed and stepped towards her open window to stare at the moon.


Somewhere deep in Ulquiorra's limited consciousness he heard her say his name. How had he sensed it? And why should she say the name of the monster who captured and forced her to watch him attack her friends? As long as these questions remained unanswerable, they would plague his mind.

Even as he thought, he continued to strive for a way to reach her. Currently, his progress through the void seemed to be near it's end. Ulquiorra could feel the underlying spiritual pressure of the World of the Living and his physical body seemed to condense around his thoughts. His form felt oddly different, but at this point he was entirely focused on reaching Orihime as quickly as possible.

Ulquiorra was almost there and he knew it, but as he drew closer, he began to have doubts. Why should he think she would like to be with him, to know that he was alive? He had heard her voice, but could he have only imagined it?

Ulquiorra made up his mind- if she didn't want him or even loathed him, he would continue to protect her from a distance. If it came down to that it was unlikely that he could live without such a purpose, for his self loathing was growing by the second.

What if she did want him? No! Don't hope for such an impossible outcome. If she did, as hard as it would be, he would not force himself into her life, as a terrible burden for someone as innocent as her. That was why he was going; either way he would do what was best for her.

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