Coast of Spears

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The ground around Callum shook as the Titan began its march towards the Capital City. The other solders around Cal looked at each other nervously gripping their brass spears and wooden shields.

"Form up, ready. March" the captain's voice carried over from her position at the front, "I want the mage runners prepared to provide cover before the Titan reaches the cliff edge".

"Mars, do you have any potions I can borrow" inquired Cal at the soldiers began to march forwards in neat rows while the Mage runners conjured glyphs in the air before releasing bolts of colour towards the huge imposing stone walls which looked like they had been carded from natural rock many years ago.

"I do..." replied Mars "but not many, the Captain didn't give us much time to prepare so I can give you a healing and one which should turn your skin to iron... but I must warn you it's not been tested before." They grimaced apologetically as Cal cursed in his head.

"Ok I'll take both and I owe you" he said while giving a faint smile.

The soldiers kept on marching getting ever closer to the stone walls but now they could hear the shouts of other solders. Callum closed his eyes for a second and passed his consciousness into Reef, his, usually an octopus but currently a hawk, familiar as it sawed overhead. From the view of Reef Cal could see the opposing solders had begun to clash with the squads in front of theirs. The opponents seemed to be dressed in armour pained a cobalt blue and they all carried spears very similar to his own.

"Cal!" screamed Mars. And in an instant he was back on the field next to his friends fighting to capture the city.

The defenders descended upon his squad. He could see three mages dressed in the dark blue robes throwing balls of fire into his groups sending soldiers flying and the small of burnt flesh wafting around those who remain. Mars dashed forward with their partner and within an instant they turned the central mage into a pile of ribboned flesh on the floor, his crimson blood cascading down the rocks from where he once stood. Mars moved their spear down into a defensive position pulling their shield up to block the flames which burst from the other wizard.

Cal spun round tearing his eyes away from the display of power which Mars had just shown, he let out a low whistle as Reef descended upon a solder and pressing this advantage he pushed his spear through the woman's neck. A slow gurgle was released along with a burst of blood which turned her blue armour red.

As Cal was looking for his next target the Titans arm rose up, eclipsing the midday sun, all was dark for a few seconds before it came crashing down into the cobalt forces which were still pressing forwards. In the one blow hundreds died under its immense strength.

"Bless Tesheku that he's on our side" muttered Callum as the Titan let out a roar which caused soldiers to cover their ears in pain. Quickly Cal, Mars and their partner darted around the stunned troops pushing their spear through metal armour or slicing necks with their side daggers. Within seconds some had recovered but most now were contributing to the red river cascading its way through the battlefield.

Looking around the field Cal saw Mars run to cover an injured solder with their shield but just as they got up to the dying woman everyone heard a horrible ripping sound, the sound which the Soldiers around Cal had only witnessed once before, the one which came just before death. The Titan had pulled the sky apart breaking the barriers which held back the other worlds as four impossibly large meteors made from glowing arcane rock come hurtling through.

Two of the rocks were heading towards the city walls while another headed to a point which Cal couldn't see but the last one smashed directly into the area of the battlefield where both armies met, and where Mars was protecting the downed solder. As the meteor hit there was an explosion of rock and fire it killed indiscriminately not caring if the solder was friend or foe. And all Cal could see was the back of Mars as their head was caved in from a bit of shrapnel produced from the explosion.

As the smoke cleared Cal could see solders in blue dropping their spears surrendering while dropping to their knees. The Titan roared again; the battle had been won.

But at what cost...

Six hours later

Callum made his way through the corpses which, until recently, had been living solders with a hope of repelling the invading force.

It had been many hours since the battle had ended but the sun had only just set, smoke still rose from pieces of the arcane rock which had sealed their victory. Each time he saw a new body he hoped to see his fiend, the warrior with red hair always tied back and joyful green eyes, but every time he was disappointed.

He kicked aside a rock and watched it tumble into the crater which the Meteor had left behind, a low caw sounded from Reef as he dared to hope. Had the Octopus spotted Mars, were they still alive?

As Callum reached the other side of the crater he could see what Reef had warned him about. Just slightly back from the blast radius lay a soldier still clutching the body which they protected. Cal could tell it was Mars even without her head the Glyphs they had carved onto their armour were distinct and clear even from this distance.

Tears rolled down the sides of his face leaving tracks in the grime which coated his cheeks. Kneeling down Cal placed one had on his old friend, with the last bit of strength he could muster he began to draw, "With blood and tears I forge a pact." He muttered while he traced his own Arcane glyph across the metal in the pools of blood which surrounded him "I, Callum Desek'Sak of house Desek bond my life to this metal which I draw upon and invoke the powers of Apollo himself. I will stop this Titan which brings nothing but death and bring my friends soul to rest. This is my Vow to you".

"A vow of revenge".

No matter what happened Cal would kill the Titan. The force of destruction which his commanders foolishly thought they could control.

As he finished the blood glowed red and filled him with renewed strength. And a thirst for vengeance.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2020 ⏰

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