Well Eliza MounainRange is shit when she doesn't think

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a/n i am so fricken scared gunshots just were heard and I live in a farily peaceful area in washington state so yea. imma shit mai pants and then start the real work. also the police are near my house and im still terrified so yea


I searched for a red coat camp. I knew what my les ass had to do, I stripped! 'Why?' you ask, red coats are suckers for naked woman. I'm not pretty but I'll have to do.


I heard a rustling from the bushes, a nude woman appeared,

(Ugly tho, cuz you never seen me! So don't tell me otherwise!)

I stared at her, sent for the Schuylers and Washington eh? Not gonna get through. I said in a mean voice, "What you doing 'ere? Your a bloody blue coat, the one who is close to the Mr. Washington ay? Not gonna let you go to waste." I puuled her into the tent with the other girls, she murmured some very unflattering curses, I didn't hear them, the author wanted you to know, talk about breaking the forth wall, aight.


Well [This must be censored, brought to you by, The Reynolds Pamphlet! 

Printed Version of the "Reynolds Pamphlet"

the spirit of jacobinism, if not entirely a new spirit, has at least been cloathed with a more gigantic body and armed with more powerful weapons than it ever before possessed. It is perhaps not too much to say, that it threatens more extensive and complicated mischiefs to the world than have hitherto flowed from the three great scourges of mankind, War, Pestilence and Famine. To what point it will ultimately lead society, it is impossible for human foresight to pronounce; but there is just ground to apprehend that its progress may be marked with calamities of which the dreadful incidents of the French revolution afford a very faint image. Incessantly busied in undermining all the props of public security and private happiness, it seems to threaten the political and moral world with a complete overthrow.

A principal engine, by which this spirit endeavours to accomplish its purposes is that of calumny. It is essential to its success that the influence of men of upright principles, disposed and able to resist its enterprises, shall be at all events destroyed. Not content with traducing their best efforts for the public good, with misrepresenting their purest motives, with inferring criminality from actions innocent or laudable, the most direct falshoods are invented and propagated, with undaunted effrontery and unrelenting perseverance. Lies often detected and refuted are still revived and repeated, in the hope that the refutation may have been forgotten or that the frequency and boldness of accusation may supply the place of truth and proof. The most profligate men are encouraged, probably bribed, certainly with patronage if not with money, to become informers and accusers. And when tales, which their characters alone ought to discredit, are refuted by evidence and facts which oblige the patrons of them to abandon their support, they still continue in corroding whispers to wear away the reputations which they could not directly subvert. If, luckily for the conspirators against honest fame, any little foible or folly can be traced out in one, whom they desire to persecute, it becomes at once in their hands a two-edged sword, by which to wound the public character and stab the private felicity of the person. With such men, nothing is sacred. Even the peace of an unoffending and amiable wife is a welcome repast to their insatiate fury against the husband.

In the gratification of this baleful spirit, we not only hear the jacobin news-papers continually ring with odious insinuations and charges against many of our most virtuous citizens; but, not satisfied with this, a measure new in this country has been lately adopted to give greater efficacy to the system of defamation—periodical pamphlets issue from the same presses, full freighted with misrepresentation and falshood, artfully calculated to hold up the opponents of the Faction to the jealousy and distrust of the present generation and if possible, to transmit their names with dishonor to posterity. Even the great and multiplied services, the tried and rarely equalled virtues of a Washington, can secure no exemption.

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