Chapter 38 - The Countdown

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Sumedh's POV

I looked at the suit which was kept on the bed. The colour being a trademark of mine and Mallika's union. Light blue. I smiled. Everyone went for dark colours during weddings, we decided to go with something which was close to our heart. It was not going to be the traditional hindu wedding. Mallika's choice of course.

She wanted a simple wedding, with just close friends and family. So there was not the hustle bustle of having a three day long wedding ceremony. We decided to have a small ceremony, with us reading our vows to each other and just praying to God for our future. There was going to be a reception in the evening for everyone to celebrate the event. Kira and Dau also agreed with this idea. The parents obviously wanted the traditional wedding, but we managed to convince them. 

Looking at the suit on my bed and seeing Dau fix his hair in the mirror, I was over the moon. It was surreal. I'm finally getting married. Today was the day!

Mallika and I weren't talking for the past week. Hold on, don't jump to conclusions. We actually decided that since we're going to be spending the rest of our lives together, we might as well take a week off before the wedding and spend it with people who have been with us throughout our lives.

I hope Mallika doesn't get second thoughts though!

I started overthinking about this, a habit that I picked up from Mallika of course when I was brought into reality by the sound of my mother's voice.

She was standing next to Dau trying to fix his suit.

"Sumedh, what is this? Basant is ready and your clothes are still lying on the bed. You sure you want to get married?" Mum teased. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my clothes to get ready.

When I came out, my mother was still there, along with Dau's mother this time. Both of them were sitting on the bed.

"Oh my God! I can't believe you're so grown and now you're getting married! Both of my sons getting married." my aunt said, getting emotional looking at me and Dau.

My mother quietly stood from the bed and came to stand next to me. It was almost time to leave now for the hall now and mum cross checked with me if everything was ready from my side.

"Okay, we're going to put the gifts in the car. You guys come downstairs when you're ready." Dau's mum said.

I went in front of the mirror and straightened my tie.

"Sumedh.." my mum said quietly. I raised an eyebrow and nodded, urging her to speak.

She turned me around and held my shoulders.

"You and Mallika are going to be starting a new life together. And I'm hoping you will respect our upbringing and bring only happiness to her life. I'm proud of you, Sumedh. You finally managed to find someone who has a heart that's as pure as yours" She smiled and kissed my forehead.

Mallika's POV

I looked at myself in the mirror as Alice asked me to pout so she could contour my cheeks.

Alice was now a good friend of mine, along with being my colleague at work and at the moment she was my makeup artist.

It's been a while that I've been working now and I love every bit of it. The people, the office, the working hours and the job itself. Alice and I became friends while hanging out during lunch. I found out she was a lot like me and while we took a while to open up, we are now great friends.

Kira and Alice obviously relate more with the makeup stuff and the more girly things while Alice and I have an understanding on quite a deep level.

Today was the day. I smiled at myself in the mirror and reminisce about mine and Sumedh's relationship. It was finally time and we were getting married.

"Yooo, get up Miss Dreamy! We have to do Kira's makeup as well!" Alice shouted in my ear. Yeah of course. It was Kira's wedding as well. This is the type of thing that we think about when we are kids and are like yess someday we'll get married on the same day as our bestie. It was really happening in our case.

I silently got up and went to sit on the bed and watch Alice do Kira's makeup. My dress was still neatly set on the bed and I wasn't in the mood just yet to wear it. Purely because I don't trust myself and I can't risk damaging it.

I was hungry and I bet Kira was as well. I called for my cousins and asked them to bring some snacks in the room to calm our nervous systems.

Of course, we were nervous. It was mine and Kira's first wedding. Haha. But for real, I knew it was only food that could calm me down right now. As good of a writer I'm told I am, I was still doubtful of the vows that I've written. Will I remember them? How is everything going to unfold? Will the wedding be a success? Will our friends and family be happy?

I pushed all those thoughts aside, the second the plate of snacks reached me. I ate some of them and kept some for Kira to eat when her makeup was done.

Once I was finally in the mood to get ready, I put on my lovely lavender dress. Kira chose to wear a light pink dress.

We were finally ready for the big day. Kira and I hugged each other and complimented each other on our looks.

It was now time for the boys to arrive. My dad came to our room, he had tears in his eyes.

He hugged me and kissed my forehead.

"I'm gonna miss you two!" He said.

"Dad, I'm going to visit you everyday. Besides we won't be living far. I'll come over on my way to go to work." I laughed.

"Umm.. As a father, I need to tell you this, so.. Here we go. No matter what happens, just know that your parents are always here for you. We will always support you in any decision you take.. If ever it comes to that, I mean. Anyway! Let's go down. I'm here to bring both my daughters downstairs." He gave us a smile.

I nodded and linked arms with my dad and proceeded to go downstairs.

Kira and I looked at each other and took a deep breath.

And so the countdown begins.


Hi guys!

Back with a new update after soooo long.

I'm sorry for the delay. I knew I said mid December but I got sick, I got injured as well and just been to the doc yesterday.. So bear with me. 😪

I thought I'll add the wedding in this chapter itself, but that will take even more time. So better something than nothing! 😬

Hope y'all like it.  ✨❤️

Lots of love ❤️❤️

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