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Avalon's job as Oliver and Lawrence's maid of honor, as well as Teddy's job as best man, was to make sure that everything was running smoothly while the two grooms got ready. Teddy and Avalon had already done one final check of the ballroom, where the reception would be held, and now that the guests were beginning to arrive, they were in charge of greeting them, making polite small-talk, and guiding them to their seats.

Avalon made eye contact with him across the courtyard as they helped some of her family to their seats, and he gave her a cheeky wink. She found herself blushing.

She kept Isabel close by, always within reach, just in case anything happened. Being back at her grandmother and Kingsley's house after the last wedding they attended here brought back memories of the explosion and the way Teddy had dragged her out of the ballroom, kicking and screaming for her parents. So Isabel was always at arm's length, no more.

When it came time for the maid of honor and best man to walk down the aisle, followed moments later by the bridesmaids and groomsmen—including Arthur, Isabel, Cordelia, and some of Lawrence's friends from school—Avalon gripped Teddy's arm and took a deep breath.

The music began to play, and the two of them walked down the aisle.

Avalon was trembling with nervousness as she prepared for her speech as maid of honor, spinning her wand over and over again between her fingers. She wasn't sure whether it was good or bad that she was speaking after Teddy; he had always had a way with words, and he was so charasmatic that she worried that her speech would pale in comparison to his.

Why'd I have to get the most charming boyfriend? She asked herself, watching him take his seat next to her once more.

And then it was her turn to speak.

She stood up, still shaking, and mumbled the amplification charm before holding her wand to her throat.

"Um, so, hello! If you don't know me already, my name's Avalon, and I'm the maid of honor and Oliver's sister." She began. "I've known Oliver for almost nineteen years, and I've known Lawrence for just three of those years. And while I've been explicitly instructed to not tell any embarrassing stories, I think my brother will forgive me for telling just one or two. And if he doesn't, well, you're all invited to my funeral."

She paused to give the crowd a moment to laugh, and they did, thankfully. Her cheeks flushed.

She took another deep breath before continuing. "Anyway, I thought I'd tell you lot about the time he pushed me down the stairs when I was eleven. Or maybe about how the first time I got hit by a Bludger, it was because of him. Or maybe about how much he tells me he hates me when he goes behind my back to tell everyone he can about how proud of me he is, and how much he loves me.

"My point in this is that family is complicated. My mum can tell you that, and my Aunt Narcissa can tell you that, too. One minute you're pushing your sister down the stairs, and an hour later you're asking her if she wants to sneak out of the house to get snacks from the market on the corner."

Avalon looked at her brother then, eyes swimming with tears when she saw how happy he looked. "And Laurie—you have become my brother in every way that matters these past three years. Watching you become a part of our family by loving my brother has been one of my favorite things. Thank you for supporting me over the years, and being so kind that I almost forget you hit me with a Bludger a few years ago. I love you both endlessly, and I am so incredibly happy that you've found each other. Congrats!"

There was roaring applause, and she was bombarded with hugs from Oliver and Lawrence. Both boys squeezed her tightly, so tightly that she feared they'd crack one of her ribs.

"I love you, you fucking idiot." Oliver whispered in her ear.

happy wedding chapter!

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