the crew's reaction watching Boku No Pico because idk

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Storage, aka the sadistic boi, forced the crew to watch Boku No Pico saying it's a cute romance anime- these were their reactions (Admin's and Electrical's are there too-)

Player - he was pure shookith-

MrCheese - he tried his best to get distracted during the lewd parts, that making him not lose his innocence

MrEgg - "that's not how 'cute romance' works. that's straight pure pornography..and Pico looks like he's a child, while Mokkun is an adult- tho i kinda liked the story of ep. 3, Coco's right about company and stuff but stiLL COMPANY DOESN'T MEAN SEX-"

Electrical - he couldn't sleep that night

Veteran - "i'd try to do that with Player, not gonna lie"

Angel - she already knew it was porn and skipped

Gnome - "that's not how love works- that's not how love works- that's not how love works- that's not how love works- that's not how love works-"

Stoner - he was high so he just laughed his ass off at it

Mother - as soon as the porn part arrived she left.mgood thing Timmy and Franklyn weren't with her at that moment

Pirate - he actually sorta enjoyed it

Blue - he of course already knew what it was and passed too

Bday - he just said no, he had an instinct it wasn't gonna end well

Bro - he watched it and at the end just said "that was- yes but actually no"

Greaser - he didn't even notice Storage asking him to watch it, he was too busy thinking about how awesome he is

Goober - she really enjoyed it for some reason-

Rose - just like her boyfriend, she had an instinct it wouldn't end well

Ninja - he already knew what it was but watched it anyways, no actual reaction from him or whatsoever

Engineer - "Pico looks like he's around 13, that making it illegal for him to stay with Mokkun; ok, as i know the age of consent in Japan is 13, but that's still pure pedophilia, if Pico's parents were actually responsible enough they wouldn't have let him go in a car with a stranger and would have stayed with him during his little vacation. Other than this, there are many other wrong things such as...." he then proceeded to rant the trilogy, oddly enought Storage got interested

Admin - during the OPs she vibed, but during the actual thing she too had no reaction, after it was over, she just turned to Storage and said "did you know i already saw it and it got no effect on me? i know, incredible. still, not as bad as everyone said..not counting ep. 1..Mokkun is a fucking pedo- ew-"

Poopyfarts96 - he straight up refused, he has a gut feeling, remember?

Sheriff - he watched it and actually yelled what they were doing wrong during the sex scenes

Cub - she never trusted Storage, so she said no

TheGentleman - he had seen everything; it was time for him to go. No, like, he literally just left looking traumatized right after it was over

Captain - he suffered phisically during that, eventually bursting to tears in his room alone after it was over

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