Chapter 10

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As we reached the exit, I thanked Markus for helping me out. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have gotten to the exit as smoothly as I did. It just proved there’s good in him and that I was right all along.

   “Before you meet with the team. I wrote down on this slip of paper where their mentor is. Syndicate has found him already.”

“Thanks. Why not come with me?”

“It’s like I said. I don’t belong. The only reason I am helping u and giving you his whereabouts is that I owe him.”

   After Markus told me he owed their mentor. We heard guards coming our way. Knowing I didn’t have much time before I got caught by them.

   I opened the exit door and left the building. Seeing the courtyard, I looked to see if anyone was nearby, and was lucky enough to see nobody. The next thing I did was triggered my ability, using it to run back to the warehouse.

   “We don’t know where Jason could even be. Yeah, he held them off but he’s probably captured or something.” As I made it back, I overheard them talking about myself.

   “We can’t give up on looking for him. We owe it to him.” I heard Jasmine chime in.

   After letting them go on for a minute. I stepped forward, coughed, and waited for them to notice I was back. It took them a moment, but everyone jumped and was shocked to see me.

   “What happened to you? Back there.” Miguel asked me.

   “I made them a deal. My surrender to guarantee y’all were safe. But their leader has other plans. And we got a problem.”

   “First off you shouldn’t have done that. But more importantly, what do you mean we have a problem?”

   I started to explain everything. Starting with how Sean wants to cure Supers and bring about a so proclaimed new order. After explaining that, I told them about how Markus helped me escaped, giving me the paper with their mentor’s whereabouts on it, and showed it to them.

   We saw that he was in another holding facility owned by Syndicate. With this in mind, we were about to confirm that he was captured already and that it was up to us be get him out of there. This is when we prepared ourselves a bit more and readied to strike back against Syndicate.

   “Everyone of us needs to be able to stand our ground. We aren’t going to chicken out this time or retreat.” Miguel told us as I could tell he was dead serious.

   “I agree. We each must grow stronger and learn to fight not just with our powers but without as well.” I commented

   Nobody seemed to oppose the idea of us training a bit more. So we each took the day to spar with and without the use of our abilities. This was because it was going to take us at our peak to pull this off.

   “Are you sure a three-way sparring match is a good idea?” I asked as we agreed to do a three-way match to train this time.

   “It kills three birds with one stone. This way it saves us time, we all get to practice and Christopher can work on equipment for us to use which is why he isn’t partaking this time.”

   “Fair enough.”

   We then began the match and started training. Miguel threw the first punch, aiming for Jasmine, and jasmine aimed for me with her punch. It was a lot harder with us three all sparring at the same time.

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