Chapter 3

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Sara's POV

'Ugh... Where is this, I wonder...' I opened my eyes. I was in a room. The walls looked pretty grey, and there was a door right to my left. 'Am I looking at the ceiling? Why am I sleeping here?'

I took a deep breath. 'I'm Sara. An incredibly normal person attending school. Good. Start with what you know best.'

Where could this be? 'Err, I think I went home... Right, and then mom...!'

"Mom!" I called out, remembering her, laying there helplessly on the floor. I quickly tried to stand up, but I couldn't. 'Is there something on my head?'

I shut my eyes. 'Right now... it seems I'm lying down. On a bed, maybe?'

Fearfully touching my head, I felt some kind of belt... or machine...

'Am I tied to it? It feels like I'm being restrained.'

"No way... Ack... What's the meaning of this?!" I muttered to myself.

My temperature rose, and suddenly, a fear awakened me.

"No!! Where is this?! Somebody!!"

No one responded, and I wiggled, trying to get out. It seemed I could only move my right leg freely. The rest of my limbs were firmly restrained.

"Someone...!" I tried again, knowing there wouldn't be a response. I was about to raise my voice, to scream, but then suddenly went quiet. 'The stalker. He'd... harmed my mom... And he brought me here...'

'I wonder... am I... going to be... killed?' I shuddered at the thought. I had to get out.

"Sara! Are you there?!" I felt a pang of relief as I heard Joe's voice next to me.

"Joe? Is that you? Are you next to me...?!"

"Yeah...! But I can't move! Can't you do something?!"

'Joe's in the same situation?'

While listing plans on how to get out, I heard a noise. It was getting louder by the second. And it was getting rather annoying.

"A phone?" I muttered, instinctively going to check my pockets. Nothing was to be found. "Joe, is that yours ringing?"

"Eh...?" Joe sounded confused. "Oh- you're right... Something in my pocket...! Here...!" He said excitedly. After a bit more shuffling, Joe called again. "Hello?! Whoever you are! Help us!"

"...Beginning voiced guidance." someone spoke into the phone, ignoring Joe's cry for help.

"Huh?" Joe seemed as confused as me.

"The First Trial will now begin. Sara, and Joe. Find the key hidden in this room. Then, remove your strains. If you cannot do this before the time limit expires, the device on your beds will activate... And your bodies will be crushed with a thud. By all means, please enjoy this thrill with all your body and soul. The time limit is a healthy five minutes. And note that there is only one key, so please discuss who will use it."

'What... the heck is this... The First Trial...? We'll die... in five minutes?"

"Waaaaagh?! Whadd're we gonna do?!" The phone call seemed to have ended because Joe started freaking out as well.

'There's no time to fret about that.'

"Joe, check your clothes!" I called him and checked myself again as well. Of course, I found nothing.

"Yikes..." he muttered. "When I took the phone from my pocket... I might've dropped somethin'...!"

"N-no way! Pick it up!"

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