why did I do this

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The witch Mim had just moved into her new house, which was next to a talking duck's house, the owner was named Donald Duck. She was rather excited, not knowing what was in store for her. Meanwhile, Donald was practicing his sailing in a pool.

"Hello, new neighbor?" She called, knocking and holding a potion.

"Who is it?" The voice called.

"I'm Mim," the black-clad young adult gently said, a smile gracing her lips.

"Come in," he said, the door automatically opened. Fancy.

Suddenly, Mim held an an axe, ready to slaughter the duck. "You'll make a good dinner for Thanksgiving, after all there isn't any turkeys."

"Nope," Donald replied, now holding a long sword that was a bright blue.

"Oh-" and Donald somehow disappeared, along with Mim.

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