I Will Make You Talk-MarkGun (18+)

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This is a request from @SnowKitten82

If any request please DM me.

Mark's P.O.V

"He's in there," said another officer telling me. I nodded and went into the room where he was in yet again. "Once again your back here," I tell him, I then shut and lock the door. I then sit in front of Gun, his hands were handcuffed and one of his ankles to the chair.

He just looks at me and says nothing. I look at his file and see once again he broke into a house and was stealing again. "Again with the breaking and entering Gun, didn't you learn from the last time we talked?" I ask him. Once again he was silent, "So the quiet game again huh? Fine you know what I can do to make you talk," I tell him.

He just looks away. I then go over and turn off the cameras that are in the room, I then walk up to him and grab him by his hair, he looks up at me. "Let's see how long you will be silent for this time around," I tell him, he just smirks. I lean in and kiss his lips, he kisses back.

I pull away from him, we both look at each other. I look at him up and down and decide to try to something different then what I usually do to make him talk, I usually let him have it but this time he needs to beg for it.

I started kissing his neck leaving behind love bites I uncovered his left shoulder, he was wearing a tank so this will be fun. I kissed his shoulder and then went to his collar bone, my hand inside his shirt playing with his right nipple. I look up at him, he was fighting back his moans. I smirk at him, I then left his collar bone and lifted up his shirt and started kissing his chest.

My mouth was on his other nipple licking it while my hand played with the other one. He was breathing heavily, I look up at him. "You going to talk now?" I ask him, he was still silent. "Fine then," I said.

I then got down on my knees and unzipped his pants and pulled down his pants and underwear, he was already hard. I kissed the base of his member and then put the whole thing in my mouth and started going up and down.

He was moving a bit, "Mark what is this?" he asked me, but I didn't talk just kept on doing it. He moaned, "Okay fine fine I will talk!" he tells me.

I removed my mouth and go up to his leave. "So tell me why we are being a bad boy again?" I ask him. "To see you again," I tell him. I smirk, I fix him up and the kiss his lips lightly. "If you want me to give you one on one time try breaking into my house next time, you know where I live so do that okay," I tell him, "Okay," he said. I smiled, I unlocked his cuffs and started to walk away, "Front door will be unlocked when you get there don't keep me waiting I have work in the morning," I tell him. "Okay," he said. I then left.

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