get out of my head

11 1 4

he stops and turns to look at me.

Tate: I'm fine, I'm just tired I'm gonna go home

y/n: Tate seriously its okay I'm not mad we were just messing around!

Tate: I know *he sighs* its just *he looks down, he says quietly* I have to go

He walks off, you know he's not gonna go home but you also know you cant stop him from leaving. you feel bad because it was your idea to skip and go to the field. You know you shouldn't feel bad but you do. You miss him and your beating yourself up for making him feel bad.

*Tate's point of view*

Tate whispers under his breath: dammit

He thinks about turning around. Tate is also thinking about how he hurt you by leaving and how he loves you, but he couldn't say that aloud. He doesn't want to disappoint you but he knows he did when he left. He knows he shouldn't have left and how he should have told you how much he loved you and how he wanted to be with you. Yet he didn't and now he thinks its too late. But its not because you feel the same way and now that he's not there you want him even more.

He arrives at a small park and sits on a swing just lost in thought. Until he hears a car pull up behind him. To Tate's relief, its just your mom on her way to work.

y/m yells but not in an angry way: hey Tate what are you doing? why aren't you at school?!?

Tate: oh hey Ms. y/l/n! um I got lost *he says in a joking tone* 

y/m: haha funny I'm not gonna snitch, but next time try not to get caught!

Tate: yes ma'am * and he salutes her then smiles at her*

she drives away

*back to your point of view*

you get up and start walking home because you know your mom will be at work.

About ten minutes later you get home and open the door and walk in then lock the door behind you. You go up to your room and cant stop thinking about Tate. Its driving you crazy, you need do something to get your mind off of him. You try everything you can think of cooking, painting, even reading but nothing can take him off of your mind. Eventually you fall asleep. You sleep until 10:00pm when your mom gets home. She bursts through your door scaring you awake.

y/m: so you and Tate skipped school today

y/n: ya but I don't really want to talk about it, so can you just ground me or something

y/m: oh honey I'm not mad, the only reason I know is because I talked to Tate

That gets you attention so you look up at her

y/n: what? why did you talk to Tate?

Your mom can tell something happened because of the tone in your voice

y/m: ya i saw him sitting at a park on my way to work he seemed upset I didn't think much of it though. Did something happen with you guys? I know you like hi-

you cut her off

y/n: what!?!? how do you know? I don't not even a little bit

you lie

y/m: y/n its obvious, the way you look at him. But I think has got it worse for you *she chuckles*

y/n: I don't think so 

you look down at your feet thinking about what happened today.

y/n: I don't really want to talk about this right now, its late anyway we should get sleep. don't you have a big meeting tomorrow. 

You rush her out of your room into hers. Once you get back into your room your phone goes off. Before you look at it you close your eyes praying its Tate. But alas its not, its one of your friends Lucas. Tate never liked Lucas much. 


Lucas: hey wryd

y/n: just laying on my bed

Lucas: I think this is the first time you haven't said hanging out with Tate haha

your eyes start to tear up.

y/n: ha ya I think your right

Lucas: do you want to hangout tomorrow?

you don't want to, at all you want to hangout with Tate. that's the only person you want to be around.

y/n: sure, after school?

Lucas: perfect!

*end of text*

You get up and go get water. when you are downstairs in the kitchen you here a loud bang from upstairs. You turn quickly and walk up to your room quietly and slowly. Once you get to your room you see that your lamp fell off your nightstand. You look around a bit and don't see anything or anyone so you decide to just go to sleep because its been a long day.

the next morning at 7:00am your alarm goes off. 

y/n: ugh * you sit up and turn off your alarm*

You do what you usually do in the morning. you go downstairs to eat breakfast even though I makes you feel sick to eat when you first wake up you know you'll regret not eating in at school.

y/m: hey sleepyhead 

y/n: its too early to talk 

y/m: okay well I gotta go to work wish me luck!

She kisses you on the forehead and leaves. at around 8:00am you go too school.

*at school*

Your at lunch and you see Tate sitting by himself, you usually sit with him. you go to the table he's sitting at and sit across from him. Neither of you say a word until you break the silence, but your interrupted by Lucas whom you don't want to talk to.

Lucas: hey y/n 

y/n: hey

he sits down. Tate looks up annoyed because well, Tate doesn't like him.

y/n: aren't you a football player? why aren't you with your jock friends

Lucas: because I'd rather be with you 

Tate clears his throat, and starts tapping his foot on the ground. Lucas scoots closer to you and puts his hand on your thigh and started moving it closer to your lady part.

y/n: Lucas what the hell!

You stand up.

y/n: you know we are just friends right

Tate stands up.

Tate: did you touch her!

he says angrily

Lucas: maybe what are you gonna do about it? 

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