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Clothing: Usually darker clothes, dress shirts and darker jeans. For jewelry he usually wears chokers, rings, and a right earing.
Nationally: European, though he grew up in the United States most of his life.
Strengths: Manipulation, hiding his true feelings, torture and kidnap to an extent. As for skills he's alright with speaking english and getting rid of bodies.
Weakness: Reading and writing in english, dealing with his emotions when alone, being out in large crowds by himself.
Personality: Giotto can be pretty charming at first, and can keep up that act for a year or so if needed. Though under his social mask he has psychotic tendencies, and behaviors. He can be found talking to himself pretty often, and when hes out alone he seems like a stalker, almost. To strangers, friends, anyone really. At home, he can be violent and easily irritated.
Family: N/A
Weapons: Kitchen knives and forks.
Position: Top/seme/dom
Backstory: N/A
Slow or fast romances: Fast if hes trying to manipulate, or slow if you somehow manage to take him. Good luck.
Likes: Having people at home to torment, working with poisons, l causing harm to himself and others, giving karma himself, revenge, and occasionally killing. On the more normal side, he enjoys cooking, listening music, or playing pc games.
Dislikes: People escaping, society as a whole, keeping up his friendly act for too long, reading and writing in english, people getting suspicious of him, sleeping.
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