Part 6

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Justin sits back next to me and rubs the back of his neck. "Why? Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry..." I ask and I sit up, looking down and hugged myself; suddenly I don't want him to see me naked. I feel uncomfortable. He looks at me and hugs me. "No. You did absolutely nothing wrong, Alison. You were actually doing everything right. Don't be sorry please. It's me." he says and I pull away from him. I don't want him to touch me right now, even though at the same time, that's all I'm craving. I look at him. "Then why did you lead me on....?" I ask as he sighs and looks down. "Because it felt nice... It felt nice knowing someone wanted me. It felt really good, Alison. I'm just not ready for it. This is the first time I've kissed anyone or have even done anything with anyone since Jennifer" he says and I look at him, surprised and shocked at the same time. Confused, because how the hell could he have not done anything with anyone since Jeniffer and why me? Surprised because he hasn't said her name since they broke up. Jeniffer was Justin's girlfriend for 2 years and she cheated on him half the time. They broke up 3 months ago. He's only called her "she" or "her", but we all know who he's talking about. "Trust me, Alison, when i'm ready... I will kiss you until I run out of breath, I will touch you in ways that make your body feel like it's on fire, I will make you forget your name." he says and I breathe heavily. I nod What he was saying was making my heart beat so fucking fast. 'He really does want me?' I think to myself, but I want to know for sure so I say it out loud. "You really do want me...?" I ask and he nods. "Yeah I do. I want you a lot, Alison. I've wanted you since I was 16. You might have been 14, but you sure as hell didn't look 14. You had boobs, you were getting a shape to you... you were hot. You still are to this day." he says and he rubs his hand on my cheek. "And you will always be beautiful, Alison. I'm just not ready for something more..." he says and I nod. I understand. Well, I don't understand, but I understand from a friend's point of view. I get up and grab my jeans and pull them on. I also grab the t-shirt he gave me off the floor and put that on. He buttons his jeans up and puts his shirt on, Sadly. I sit down on the edge of the bed. There was a lot of stuff that was said by him that I didn't know and it's a lot to take in. He leans his head against the headboard. "Come here" he says and holds his arms out. I do what he says and I move closer to him. He lays down all the way on his side, facing me. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me against his chest. I lay down so that my back is against his chest and he keeps his arms around my waist. He kisses my forehead. "Get some sleep, I can tell you're exhausted" Justin says and with that, I fell asleep in his arms.

I wake up in the middle of the night to Justin's bedroom door opening. I peak my head up a tiny bit to see who it is because I still feel Justin's arms around me. It's Justin's dad, Raymond. He walks into the room and I close my eyes quickly. I hear him walk around and then hear him yell, "Justin Hill!" I feel Justin shoot up out of sleep and sit straight up. I open my eyes and look at Justin and he looks terrified and also like he doesn't know what the hell is going on. "Can you explain this?" Raymond said as he is holding my bra on one of his fingers. I close my eyes in embarrassment. Justin looks at him dad. "What's it to you, Ray?" Justin asks in a smart ass tone. His dad looks furious. "You don't talk to me like that and you sure as hell don't get to bring home girls while i'm gone." Justin rolls his eyes. "You're dating a 20 year old and you're telling me who I can and can't bring home?" Justin asks. Now Justin is furious. I grab Justin's hand and rub circles on it with my thumb. "You don't talk about Megan like that!" Raymond yells. I look at both of them because I'm getting uncomfortable. "Maybe I should go home" I say and start getting up, but as I say that, Justin grabs my hand. "No, you're not going home." Justin says and Raymond shakes his head. "Yes. you should go home." His dad says and Justin looks pissed. "Her dad is beating the shit out of her every night. If you think I'm letting her go back home to tWell, Justin, this is something an adult should handle, not you." Justin laughs sarcastically. "Dad, I am an adult! I'm 19!" Justin yells and I sigh. "Can you guys stop yelling please....? I've heard enough of it tonight. No disrespect Mr. Hill, but if you would have just asked Justin, he would have told you that we didn't do anything and that is the truth. We just watched a movie." I lied. I don't want Justin in trouble because of me. Raymond looks at me, then at Justin. He also realizes that he's still holding my bra and hands it to me. "Then why was that on the floor?" he asks and I laugh a little, remembering what Justin and I did. "Well... I changed while Justin was in the bathroom and I must have thrown it down there out of habit since I do it in my own room." I say and smile at him sweetly to make it more believable. "Okay. well... don't think of doing anything and you can stay here as long as you need, Alison." Raymond says and I smile softly at him. "Thank you, Mr. Hill" he nods and walks out of the room, shutting the door as he leaves. I sigh. "I'm sorry..." I say and Justin wraps his arm around my shoulder. "Don't be sorry, Ally. I don't regret anything that happened between us. I don't regret bringing you here. I don't want you to ever go home and I seriously wanna kill your dad." Justin says and all the sudden I just burst out into tears and I don't know why this time. "What's wrong...?" Justin asks, concerned. "Everything Justin! My dad! My life! My wants! My needs! Us! Me and Austin! Fuck! Why don't I just go and kiss Cody too?!" I say quickly and he looks at me like he wants to say something, but he doesn't. "that's what's wrong. Me. I'm not pretty, i'm not smart, i'm not happy, all I want to do is cut myself! I just ca-" I get cut off by his lips on mine. 'What the fuck? I thought he wasn't ready?' I thought. He pulls away and rests his forehead against mine. "Shut up, Alison." he says and smiles a little. "Why did you do that...?" I ask slowly because I'm so confused. "Because it's the only way I knew, well, hoped to get you to stop talking. You're beautiful, you're smart, and you shouldn't cut yourself. You don't deserve that pain... I hope I make you happy...." he says and there are tears running down my face. "You do make me happy... It's just that... I'm confused... You kiss me... You do all these things to me... You leave hickeys on my boobs.... Then you say you're not ready... Then you kiss me again... I don't know how to think, Justin. For the last 30 minutes, all I've wanted to do is kiss you. Your lips are addicting... As is your touch" I say to him and he looks at me with sadness in his eyes. "Jennifer... She used me, Alison. She used me for my lips and for my touch... I loved her... I don't want you to just wan't me for my lips and my body." he says and I look at him, shaking my head. "No... I don't want you for just your lips and your looks. Though you are very, very attractive. I want you because you have been the one person who has stayed there for me in my life. Even Austin hasn't done that. You are the one person who can make me laugh when I'm sad. Justin, you make me the happiest person alive..."I say as he looks at me and he looks like he's in deep thought. "Justin..." I say softly as I put my hand on his. He looks at me. "I think I should sleep on the couch tonight... let me know if you need anything..." and with that, he walked out of the room, leaving me behind.

"I need you..." I whisper.hat, you've got another thing coming." Justin says as he holds my hand tighter. His dad looks at me. "Is that true? About your dad?" I nod slowly, looking down at mine and Justin's hands. "Okay... 

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