chapter 1

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"Well I guess this is it," you said. "Warped old walls, long stairwells, and long robes fit for old hags." Hermione chuckled, "You only have to wear these until you get sorted into your house, then you'll get the whole schoolgirl facade." Hermione smirked.
Well yippee for me, I heard her laugh and snapped out of my thoughts. I let out a disgusted noise and Hermione quickly shut herself up.

"Oh come on, you'll learn to love it, and if you don't there's always break." Hermione rubbed against your shoulder, it was real, she was a wizard and I was at Hogwarts. Hermione showed me to her dorm in the Gryffindor tower, a tiny room with a hard-looking bed and a dust-covered dresser. Wow, so lifeless and boring.
"Come on, we mustn't be late for dinner!" Hermione exclaimed. I was going to be sorted, hopefully into Gryffindor to stay with Hermione, my guide through this treacherous year.

The great hall was massive, filled with long tables covered in candles and plates. "Wow, this is amazing," I said.
"Well, if you'd like to, we could go meet my friends, but only if you want to?"
As we walked over to the two boys she had gushed over, I tripped over my new robes.
"You'll get used to them eventually" Hermione had a soft look on her face as she tried to play it off like she wasn't about to laugh.
"Hey, Hermione has told me so much about you two, the names y/n by the way." Calm and clean, I wanted to seem put well together and confident, but I know my voice cracked. "Hey, I'm Harry and this is my mate Ron, as you already know. Mione here has been so excited to be your guide, she just wouldn't shut up about it." I was happy to hear this, I was relieved that Hermione wasn't just faking all of her positivity and actually liked me.

I glanced down the table, two boys who seemed almost identical caught my eye, they had amazing ginger hair and they both looked friendly enough. I turned to ask Hermione who they were, when a boy walked toward us, Hermione had warned me about him well beforehand. "well look here, another mudblood disgracing Hogwarts." the kid is a douchebag, great.
"Well isn't it the lovely Malfoy boy, I've heard so much about you, too bad you're a dick, we could've been good friends." Draco became flustered and almost looked sad like he should've taken back his words or just not have said them.
I hung out with the trio until the inevitable came.

After dinner, the headmaster walked over to my table, he prompted me to stand up and guided me towards the back end of the hall, I was going to be sorted and I could feel my heart racing as I sat on the big throne chair. I felt the weight of the hat on my head. "Slytherin!" Shouted the hat, I could feel the frown on my face, I was alone, literally and figuratively. Besides Malfoy, I knew nobody in my house and could barely make it to the great hall, let alone through the common room, which I didn't even know how to find.

I decided to roam through the long hallways, taking in the quiet and finding peace in the marbled ceilings and gorgeous old paintings. I heard two new voices. I scanned over the humongous hall and looked for the sources of the innocent laughter.
"Hey Fred, quit your daydreaming."
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
Mindless bickering, I thought to myself. I rounded the corner of the hall when I saw the same boys from earlier. They were tall, I felt intimidated even looking at them.
Hermione crept up behind me, scaring me half to death. "Oogling over the Weasley twins, now are we?" A smirk spread over her face with every word.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2021 ⏰

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