Part 11

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Evelynn stood and watched. Watched as the black and gold dress flowed around him. The court-ress didn't look away from him as he spun her around. Black rhinestones shone is the dying moonlight.


The moon began hiding from the clear celling. Only half the moon was shown. It was setting. The sun was to rise in a few hours. The ball was dying out. Only the dancing and the orchestra were left.

Evelynn took a sip of her glass. Still watching. Rylen, Solar and Lisandra stood next to her in silence. 


Evelynn's feet tapped silently across the floor in the early morning. She had gotten little sleep. From near dragging Soey to her room, with Lisandra's help. Her shoulders sore from Solar's weight slung over her as they carried her up the stairs. Rylen had followed them lecturing Solar about her behavior. To Evelynn's delight Solar wasn't listening. Or caring for that matter because even Lisandra said she was bound to do it again. 

Evelynn tightened her belt around her waist, hidden by her hood.

"Second to the right." She mumbled under her breath. She was told last night by one of the court members when she asked if there was a training center. He almost gagged on his drink and had to hold in his laugh. 

"It's okay Princess." he had said placing his empty glass on a sliver tray.  "I am sure Marcus can teach you the basics of archery and small defense "

Evelynn near scoffed at him and felt her sword in her back. Could she slit his throat fast enough for no one to see? Even the best fighter and swordsmen couldn't do that. She thought disappointingly. She still held onto the blue hilt of her sword as he walked away.

She finally reached the first floor. "Second door to the right" She whispered to herself as she turned to face two glass doors the twice as high and wide as her.

She peered through the clear glass doors and near awed at the sight. Blades and weapons of all shapes and sizes laid on a holder to her left. A massive mat for sparing, two paces in front of her. Amour of all colors arranged to her right. The glass barrier between the training center and the garden made it a prime spot for overseers.

The sun barley rose an hour ago. Many girls and court, including the king would still be in their sleeping quarters.

Evelynn opened the doors to the center. The doors silently creaking at the sudden pull. Evelynn took off her black boots and daggers hidden in her shoes. She placed the two twin blades next to her boots at the end of the mat and walked onto the center of mat. She pulled out another of her hidden blades from her black suit and threw the blade into an archer target at the end of the room. Evelynn withdrew her black hood and jumped on the mat.

"To soft" She jumped again. The mat sinking, under her feet.

"Doesn't matter when you get winded on the take down" A male voice chuckled.

Evelynn turned and withdrew another blade and was ready to throw the knife at the male, who had crossed his arms and was leaning on the white wall. 

"Morning to you Princess" The young man smiled as he walked forward towards her. Evelynn raised her eyebrows assessing his facial expressions. His brown eyes assessed her. His soft pink lips tugging at the sides of his mouth.

"So can you use the blades you wear or not?" The blonde man crossed his arms once again. A good few paces away from her.

Evelynn threw another blade behind her. Indenting the knife in the white wall where another archers target was. She had missed by a inch.

"You missed" The man exhaled. Dropping his arms to his side.

"You want me to miss when I throw one at your head, or not?" Evelynn played. Taking a step closer.

"I am Evelynn"  She had said retrieving the knife stuck in the white wall. She had kicked archers target with her bear feet. The red and white target shook. The wood creaking.

The blond haired male placed his hand out to shake her hand. Evelynn looked up at him. His strong build and broad shoulders made him a prime warrior.

"I guess your Marcus then," Evelynn sighed, looking at her bare feet.

Evelynn extended out her arm to shake his. Marcus twisted her arm and threw her onto the mat.

All the air escaped Evelynn's lungs. Marcus pinned her down with his knee on her thigh and elbow on her shoulder. He was extremely heavy. She couldn't breathe.

"I am" He said as he rolled over onto the mat, off Evelynn.

Evelynn coughed and gagged as she stood up trying to inhale air again.

"Did it hurt?" Marcus laughed, as he blade with Evelynn's blades she had put with her boots. Evelynn rubbed her thigh and stood up straight. 

"Don't touch them" She snapped. Marcus cocked a eyebrow at her, and flipped the small blade in his fingers.

"Again" Evelynn coughed. "Again" She repeated as she put her feet in a sparing position.


The midday sun shone threw the glass to the gardens of the training center. Evelynn wrapped her leg over Marcus's torso as she flipped him onto the mat.

"Finally" Marcus said coughing as Evelynn pinned him onto the mat. "Took you long enough" 

"Still a soft mat?" She said flipping her hair at him. Marcus still laid on the grey mat. 

"I better go" Evelynn stood up and shrugged on her hood. Attaching blades and putting her boots back on. "Before someone sees." She added.

Marcus looked at her. His blond hair unkept and ruffled. He was panting and sweating, on his knees. He jumped up and walked over to a table. 

"You did well Evelynn" He said wiping a towel across his olive skinned forehead. 

Evelynn blushed but sensed that people were out and about. Their small footsteps in the hall.

"Come back after 11." Marcus said.

Evelynn adjusted her hood and opened the glass doors silently. 

"And wear something more lose."

Evelynn shot him a look. Her eyes burning into his soul. 

"For running, and cardio" Marcus added picking up what he had said wrong. He ruffled his unkept hair and began cleaning already polished weapons. 

Evelynn closed the door behind her and hid in the shadows. Footsteps echoing up the stairwell.

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