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As amity was in class as mrs. White was giving lesson on the reason werecats hate cucumbers. As amity was giving lesson she hear her scroll go off. Mrs.  white may I please use the restroom amity ask raising her hand.

You may mrs.ight please be quick you going love are next lesson. Amity ran out to bathroom reading what on her scroll. She saw messages from luz.

Hey beautiful my parents are going on date they wondering if you like to co babysite with me.

Oh ah sure lulu sounds nice amity responded.

Great see you later baby.

After amity sent heart emoji. She went back to class. After school amity came to the loud manner.luz open door leading to the living room hey blaze you remember amity. Mittens the one said in cute baby voice. Yep blaze it mittens.

As they do fun actives together with the little baby. Luka and eda where at luka parents house luka mom was showing eda old photos of them. This is mark and luka cuddling on the bear rag. Awwww so even as baby he was a cutie.

The older lady just giggled I guess so. To be honest eda when luka told us about you we had doubts since you use to kinda been a criminal which no suprise my pup always like the bad girls. But once getting know you I can see your good person you got good heart eda. I mean you could brought luz back anytime you want but you didn't because it wasn't what you want it what she want. You give my grand pup something she always needed a supportive mother figure. Eda thank you for watch luz and for being great mom to my grand kids. She said crying

Mrs. Loud I should thank you for passing a kind heart to beautiful young lady. That I am  proud call my daughter. You are not wrong about me but let me say thanks to luz I became a better person. I got to reunite with my sister become mother to four children. I would give up everything for them. Even though three of them are not by blood their still my children and I be damn if anything happens to them. Mrs. Loud just hug eda closely crying. I sorry eda it just I never hear anyone say such nice things about luz like how you did.

Really not even you her birth mother.
Mrs loud just shoke her head no she always try make her feel she was normal which she was normal her normal. Every Christmas year I have sit in those dinners hearing camilla going off on luz for something different. You have no idea how much I hate her. I was scream I honestly happy luka divorce her.

Eda took deep breath I wouldn't kill camilla because luz still has small care for her. But if she hurts luz again I crund her body into food for hooty.

Mrs. Loud just laugh that why Iike you eda. Your very kind, loving and supportive. What trying say is welcome eda to the family she said hugging eda.

Thank you she saw mr. Loud looking annoyed. Did you ladies hear me I said luka got food ready. He said his arm cross.

Sorry honey me and eda got to into the moment we lost track of time. So both then stood up walk to dining table to see chille Colorado. They ate talk after dinner luka and eda help wash dishes. As they did eda she ask question. Hey pretty boy where you learn cook some amazing food. Mrs. Loud in other room was crying tears of joy. Oh my mom did eda. Well she sure did great job and I sure she as great cook as you luka. After that they both went home seeing amity and luz cuddling blaze.

Awwww look eda should we wake. No baby I have something must do this pay back. She said taking her scroll taking photo sending to the owl Instagram say who looks motherly now and she post. Really eda all for what she like a year and half ago.

Yes now let get some sleep. So they all went to bed.

Hey guys hope you enjoy this chapter.

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