Marshalls birthday

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Fiona's p.o.v

After me and Cake planed eeverything everyone was read for me and Marshall to go down there I Quickly put on the amazing dress Cake made for me and cover it with one of Marshalls jumpers, we stroll down the grass fields and knock on the door I open it but the lights are off and then all of a sudden The lights turn disco and everyone screams "Happy birthday Marshall Lee" I take off the jumper quick and tap his shoulder he turns around in amazement of how good it looks his jaw drops so I push it back up then smooch him in front of everyone even ice queen -xDDD- I walk to my room but it's locked I walk into the bathroom and see blankets in the bath, she keept it the same, I start to cry and go out side climbing up to my window and going inside the note I wrote is still there I rip it up open the door then Chuck my ripped piece of paper out, "I'm sorry cake" I say sadly and soft, I walk down stairs into the loungeroom everyone is having fun Marshall starts singing Good little girl,

Good little girl, always picking a fight with

me. You know that I'm bad, but you're

spending the


with me.

What do you want from my

world? You're a good

little girl.

Fionna-Bad little boy, that's what you're

acting like.

I really don't buy that you're that kind of


And if you are... why do you want to hang out

with me?

Marshall - Good little girl my hear is bound to you, and I really don't buy that you will never cry for me.


Your acting like a Bad little boy but your the only one on my mind and I really don't buy that you won't cry for me.

Marshall and me Kiss after the song and the crowed goes wild even cake had a few tears in her eyes!

I walk everyone out side "Time to go guys" they all aww then walk off in there own directions, I walk into the kitchen and start to clean up, cake pulls me away and cleans everything with her strechy power I envy that, I walk out and sit on the couch starting to fall asleep as Marshall and Cake talk.

Marshalls p.o.v

After talking with Fiona I walk into the lounge area to see Fiona asleep on the couch I pick her up gently and fly her home braid style I place her on the bed and kiss her, then start to walk off but my shirt gets tugged I look behind to see Fiona clinging onto my shirt "Stay with me" she says tugging me back to her "please" she begs I float onto the bed placing her on top of me then falling asleep together floating "Don't leave me Marshall" Fiona says drifting off.

"I won't ever leave you" I reply a while later then falling asleep after kissing her.

Oh Marshall life's tough poor Fiona and you lost you "FIRST" batch of kids xD mega ash

So what's the difrents between young love and real love ?? ~^...^~

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