Arden - Surprises

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We spent the morning overseeing the breaking down of camp and reassigning squads to cover scouting duties. Rebuilding would be set aside until this threat was dealt with. A messenger was dispatched to update the king and request more troops.

By the time the sun was high in the sky, most of the camp had disbursed to carry out their orders. Sadice and I and one squad made our way back to town.

Extra troops arrived in good time and for two months, I did little more than eat, doze, and monitor patrols. The Kantians had retreated, falling back deeper into their own lands. They seemed to be content to stay there, at least for the winter.

Ten weeks after the first attack, I sent half the reinforcements home but kept the other half in patrol rotation.

I didn't see much of Sadice during those weeks. As she had eight years ago, she sensed when my attention needed to be on the task at hand and she didn't disturb me. She found ways to let me know she still thought of me. Winter flowers often appeared on my desk in the morning and sometimes a note. I didn't deserve her.

One evening, shortly after the reinforcements had been dismissed, she appeared at the doorway of my tent. Lt. Ford and I stood as she entered and she glanced quickly at Ford before she leaned across my desk and kissed me. It was a chaste kiss. Ford chuckled, tipped me a salute, and left. I stepped around the desk but before I could take her in my arms, she placed a hand on my chest and looked into my face.

"You look horrid," she said, studying me critically.

I paused and looked her over. She looked better than she had the day we rode back from the attack to the west. I don't know where she had found the reserves to heal all those men that night, but it had taken a heavy toll. She had looked ill for a week after.

Tonight, though… tonight she looked refreshed and radiant with her hair pulled back and dressed in something green that matched her eyes and didn't hide anything. Her breasts pushed against the fabric and her waist and hips…

Sadice chuckled low in her throat and I looked up to find heat in her cheeks and her eyes sparkling and full of hunger. She ran her fingers up my face into my hair and I closed my eyes. Her lips touched mine and my hands found her face, caressing it, holding her to me.

She pulled back too soon. I think I whimpered. She grinned at me and grasped my hand, tugging on it.

"Come with me. I have something to show you." And she led me out of the tent.

Two squads were camped around my tent and their fires were burning brightly as we left and started down the hill. Calls of "'night Captain" trailed after us, followed by chuckles.

Sadice ignored the men and led me down the gentle hill to her house. Pulling me inside, she closed the door behind us and waited. I looked around.

Her bed was pushed against the far wall and in front of the hearth, stones had been laid in an open square three hand widths high. Dirt, soft and dry, filled the square almost to the tops of the rocks.

My heart turned over and I looked at Sadice. "Is this for me?"

She squeezed my hand. "For us."

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