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"I-I-I-uh.." Hinata stuttered and looked anywhere but at the boys, his face red.
"We. Where. Gone. For. 30. Minutes." Terushima says.
"SUGA!!!" Daichi yells.
"what?" Suga responds with a shy smirk.
"H-HOW COULD YOU LET THIS HAPPEN???!!!" Daichi screams.
"Noya started it. we all just added." Suga says plainly.
"But you said you would protect him!!" Daichi yells.
"I did. I protected his mouth. With my-"
"Ok that's enough!" Oikawa yelled and ran over to Hinata. "Hinata are you ok?! You are a mess we should get you cleaned up! I'm so sorry I wasn't here to protect you from them!"
"flatass you would've done the same thing, all of us would, let's be honest here." Iwazumi said and grabbed Oikawa and pulled him away from Hinata.
"Can you guys leave?" Noya said annoyed, as he gripped onto Hinata again.
"Ngh!~" Hinata moaned loudly and everyone went silent.
"Shrimpy?" Tsukishima grinned and made eye contact with Hinata.
"N-Noya~s-sempei!!~" Hinata yelped when Noya started pumping again. "I-I c-cant!! S-Stop!! AHh!!~"
Everyone blushed and Noya just grinned and pumped harder.
"N-NOYA!!!~ NGHH!!~" Hinata moaned louder before he came again.
"that was fast..." Bokuto said in awe of what's in front of him.
"Good job Shoyo." Kenma said and kissed him softly. Hinata started kissing back and getting aroused again. Noya got jealous and grabbed Hinata again.
"NGH!!!~" Hinata screeched, he was extremely sensitive due to coming twice in a row. "I-I-I- Cant!!! UHgH!!~ N-N-Noya~Sempei!!
"that's not my name Shoyo" Noya said sharply and slowed his pumping.
"B-B-But!~" Noya started increasing his speed. "F-F-FINE!! D-DADDY STOP!!!!~" Hinata screamed, and Noya let go proudly and turned around to give a smirk to the other guys and mouthed 'daddy'.
"Sh-Shut up Noya..." Tsukishima said.
"Noya. What the hell was that?"  Daichi asked with a smile.
"Just giving pleasure, that's all." He smiled and walked to go wash his hands and take care of his boner that he was hiding.
"Ok what the fuck just happened." Terushima spoke up.
"well, Noya got bored, so we all stopped cuddling and started making Hinata moan." Kenma said.
"Yeah, it's fun what can we say?" Yamaguchi added.
"whoops." Suga said smirking.
"a-a-re w-we d-done..?" Hinata stuttered hard while breathing heavily.
"Yes sweetie we're do-" Suga started.
"Well we don't have to be." Tsukishima smirked. Suga sent him a death glare.
"He just came twice in a row give him a break." Yamaguchi said.
"Shut up Yamaguchi" Tsukishima said.
"No." Yamaguchi said. "You shut up Tsukki."
Tsukishima stopped dead in his tracks and blushed slightly and turned away.
"Whatever." he said and walked to be behind the other guys.
"I'm with Tsukishima on this though.." Terushima added.
"Me too" Kuroo said.
"Me too bro" Bokuto said.
"Bro" -Kuroo.
"Bro" -Bokuto.
"Ok that's enough Bokuto-san. But I also agree with Tsukishima." Akashi spoke up, tugging on Bokuto's shirt to stop him.
"Same." Osamu spoke up.
"Yeah Sa-" Atsumu started but stopped when he saw Suga glaring at him. "sorry..."
"b-b-but... I... can't..." Hinata said between breaths as he slowly started to pass out.
"Shit, Hinata!" Yamaguchi yelled and lightly slapped Hinata's face.
"ok well he's asleep now so we should—" But before Kenma could finish that sentence the door swung open.
"what, who the—"
At the door stood a disgusted looking Sakusa, wearing a mask, and and holding a spray bottle.


You thought.
Haha get recked. (get Hinata'ed 🤣)

"ew. what the fuck happened here?" Sakusa questioned then his eyes whitened when he saw the orange head he's been looking for. "jesus what did you guys do to him!"
He went over to Hinata and sprayed the others with his spray. He took him from the showed Kenma, Yamaguchi, and Suga, and brought him into the bathroom.
He then started cleaning him up and grabbed some clothes from his backpack he was wearing.
"I thought this would happen, so unsanitary." He said while putting shorts into Hinata's naked body. "Are you ok? You don't look so good."
"y-yeah... e-embarrassed.." Hinata responded and looked away with his face red and sweaty.
Sakusa looked over and saw a shower then took Hinata's shorts off.
"Take a shower, it'll make you feel better. I can wait outside, change into these when you're done." Sakusa interrupted him and walked outside before he got a response. Where he was met with many guys.
"what?" Sakusa said.
"You took my snack." Noya said and got slapped in the side by Suga. "Sorry, our snack." and got slapped again.
"Not what I meant, but uh hi Sakusa why'd you take him?" Suga asks as his face turns into a scary mother smile.
"did you not look at him, do you guys never give him a break or..?" Sakusa asks and the crowd blushes and looks down and to the side with embarrassment. "How about I take him for a sanitation and I'll give him back tomorrow, good?"
"no." they all say.
"ok good." Sakusa says, clearly not listening to the others, and goes back inside the bathroom.
"Wai- damn." Atsumu starts. "well he wins I guess." He says and walks over and sits on the couch.
"But my disciple... I want him back..." Bokuto says with a sad expression and knocks on the door. "Hey can I have my disciple back? I wanna cuddle him!" He yelled but had no answer.
"Let's just wait for them to come out." Akashi says and drags Bokuto to the living room.
They all walk over and play cards as they wait.

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