Storm Incoming

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🦊 Fritz's🦊POV.

It was dark and Jeremy pulled me outside. He went to the deck and looked at the sky and sea. It was beautiful. The night sky filled with stars, the moon reflecting on the ocean. It was truly beautiful. Jeremy leaned over the rail and held on, he was amazed. His face was pretty funny, so I started chuckling.

My mom came out to look outside too. The Jayla came out to see the sky too. With in 5 minutes everyone was outside and looking at the sky. Me and Jeremy decided to go back to our room because it was a bit crowded. We walked back and got ready for bed. We sat on the bed and talked for a bit. Eventually we laid down and fell asleep.


I woke up and quickly got dressed before Fritz could wake up. I walked over to him and gave him a little nudge. He woke up almost instantly. He pulled himself out of bed and got dressed. We walked outside to see if anyone else was awake. I checked the time it was around 6:13. I was curious as to how I woke up that early, but I just shrugged it off.

We went back to the room and talked for a while. Then we decided to play the quiet game. Fritz smirked this made me a bit nervous, even though I was able to be quiet for a long time. He inched closer to me, I backed up a bit nervously. He grabbed me and pulled me towards him. He laid my head down on the bed. My eyes started feeling drowsy. Then I dozed off again. I thought to myself, "Never play the quiet game with Fritz again".

I woke up and Fritz was holding me. He was asleep again. I moved a bit, Fritz's grip became stronger and he pulled me close to him. I knew I was gonna be there like until he woke up.

I was laying there for about 15 minutes, then Fritz started to open his eyes. He saw he was holding me and released me. It was now 7:47, we slept for about an hour and a half. We didn't have to get dressed because we already did that. We walked outside and saw Fritz's mom talking with Jayla. We told them good morning and started talking.


It was around noon. Me, Jayla, and Jeremy were playing around. Then we heard a splash, ran to the railing, and saw a few dolphins leaping out of the water. Jayla's eyes widened in amusement, because she'd always loved marine biology and it was the perfect opportunity to see some marine wildlife.

Time passed by really fast, before I knew it it was 8:51. I got changed into my other pajamas to be comfortable and Jeremy did the same. We walked inside our temporary room and sat on the bed. We started talking and didn't stop until about 11:00, we laid down next to each other and fell asleep.


I woke up and walked outside. It was 6:37, so no one was awake. It was kind of windy outside, so I walked back inside where Fritz was sleeping and grabbed my jacket. I walked back outside and noticed that the sky looked a bit...gray? I shrugged it off and looked at the ocean.

A few minutes had passed and I noticed the clouds getting darker. Then I heard, creak and quickly turned around to see Jayla walking towards me. She then said,
🧸: "Good morning!"
🐰: "Hey Jayla! How'd you sleep?"
🧸: "Pretty good!"
🐰: "That's good. Why are you up so early?"
🧸: "I don't know. I just woke up and decided to stay up."
🐰: "Oh, okay. Is it just me or are the clouds gray?"
🧸: "Yeah, there gray. Any idea why?"
🐰: "No not really, maybe it's gonna rain."
🧸: "Maybe...who am I kidding, it's probably gonna rain!"
I started laughing and said,
🐰: "I guess your right. Maybe it will rain this after noon."
Then we heard a loud crash. I said,
🐰: "Jayla..."
🧸: "Yea Jeremy..."
🐰: "I think this is gonna be more than just rain, and sooner than we expected..."
🧸: "I think so too Jeremy. Should we warn everyone else?"
🐰: "Yes. but wait until they wake up so we don't scare them..."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2020 ⏰

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