Chapter 1

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I'm gonna try to put up chapters as often as I can but I get really lazy and its up and coming christmas so who knows what I'm gonna do.
I'm from the UK so spellings and all will be slightly different ( oh well though)
I also swear a lot so there may be swearing occasionally or a lot so apologies to all those people who may or may not get annoyed with me. Hehe
Also  memes at the top of every chapter cause why not😍😘😂

Your pov
Its Sunday and I'm finally back in Korea after 6 years... I missed this place its not really like I wanted to leave but mum met a new guy after her divorce with my dad.
I'm very happy for her and steve is an amazing guy but I kind of hated him at first cause he made me make half way around the world with mum when he asked us to move in with him. I liked Australia but I always hoped  the day would come when I'd be able to move back here. I finally did it... I'm now twenty years old and I bought a tiny little apartment with the money I earned from my old job. Mum and Steve tried to pay for it but I would never let them I've always been a person who likes to be independent,  but mun still snuck money into my bank account and my purse although she still tried to deny it even after I caught her,  I chuckled at the memory.

Its almost 4:30 in the afternoon and I've just finished unpacking everything. I arrived yesterday afternoon but all I managed to do was set up my bed before  ordering in takeaway and binge watching loads of my favourite netflix shows.  The electrician person just left because for the life of me I couldn't figure out how to set up my tvs.

I was just about to sit down when I realised I've been here over a day and I haven't been outside the house yet I was also getting kind of peckish so I decided to take a shower and stroll around to see what I could find. I know I sound like I haven't been here before but its been six years a lot could've changed. Without a moments wasted I ran to my bathroom in my bedroom and took a shower cause man moving in makes you all sweaty and exhausted.

I quickly got out of the shower dried m hair put on some light makeup and changed into a blue sweater and some black ripped jeans.

I took a small walk around before coming to a stop at a small cafe me and Yoongi used to go to in highschool,  its his aunties shop and we used to com here everyday sometimes wed even help out when she needed it. I sighed deeply remembering those times but also a small smoke graced my face,  I hope to finally meet him again now that I'm back. Without thinking  about anything else I slowly pushed the door open and made my way inside...

'Hardly anything has changed' I thought to myself. I slowly made my way towards the counter,  I was assuming his auntie still owned the place since nothing has changed but I couldn't really see her anywhere. I brushed off my thoughts thinking she might be in the back in the kitchen or something she did like to spend a lot of time in there when we were growing up.

As I got to the counter there was a boy around my age looking down at his hands he hasn't looked up so I guess hes in deep thought and hasn't noticed me yet. I slightly cleared my throat hopping to gain his attention. He slightly looked up and I thought I recognised him before he started speaking "hello and what can I get for you today?" he sounded oddly familiar it didn't take me long to guess before I finally called out to him,  hoping it was the person I was waiting to meet again..." that really you _____?"

You've pretty much all guessed who this I by now but who cares your going to have to read on to find out.hehe  anyway hope you enjoyed the first chapter,  its probably shit but oh well💕💕

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