Chapter 4

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I honestly don't know what to say anymore I'm just bored and writing random shit at the top and bottom of chapters.
Also I've actually prewritten most of these chapters in one day but I post them at different times.
Its also currently half 11 in wales rn so most of what I right now will be shit but I might have gone over it again before you read this so who knows what it turns out like.
Hope you like it tho

Your POV
I literally couldn't stop laughing by this point I had gained the attention of a lot of people who were now starting to form a small crowd around us. Once id finally calmed down I managed to say "sorry can you repeat that again for me please.." While still slightly giggling. She was getting pissed off and I new it but what she said was really funny.

"I said stay away from a guy named MIN YOONGI hes mine and if you do then we won't have a problem!" I was trying really hard to contain my laughing but looking at their faces I wasn't doing a very good job at it. I opened my mouth to tell this bitch what was what and that she couldn't control me but someone beat me to it.

"Hey BABE, how are you?" They said putting their arm around my shoulder. I instantly knew who it was and just played along by slipping my arm around their waist. "I'm good kitten" I say while looking slightly upwards to face Yoongi (he's only about two inches taller than me but never lets me forget it) "BABE!!!KITTEN!!" The girl in front of us screams. We both snap are heads in her direction "one stop screaming your not a banchee second why did you think I couldn't stop laughing hoe" I said eyeing her up and down at the more than needed revealing clothes. She opened her mouth to fight back but Yoongi beat her to it "come on bear ignore her, I'll show you to the office before my lesson starts " I quickly nodded and we walked off still in each others embraces.

Once we got inside the building out of her sight we let go of each other while continuing to walk towards the office. For some reason I didn't want to let go of him it felt nice and homey but I just ignored the feeling and continued walking.

"Who is that anyway?" I asked Yoongi
"Sona, she transfered to our highschool about seven months after you left she keeps claiming me as her boyfriend cause I'm popular but mostly everyone knows its bullshit, they choose to mostly stay away from me anyway cause she can be rather a bitch but I don't really care that much anyway."

We stay in silence after that until we finally reach the office I bid Yoongi a goodbye as he needs to head to his first lesson. I watch him for a little while until I cant see him anymore and knock on the door. I wait for a few seconds before hearing a muffled "come in" and I enter bowing politely to the woman sat at her desk.

*minature time skip cause I'm too fucking lazy*

Its lunch time and I'm her sat with my new friend I made today,Ella,lisa,Momo and Mina , both Yoongi and Lia had different lunch periods so I don't get to see them until dance in ten minutes. We were just talking about random things when the bitch and her skank crew came over and poured water all over me. I slowly turned around amd stood up while they were all smirking at me, to which I again just simply laughed at. "We told you to stay away from him" one girl behind her piped up. "Yes you did but... I don't care what you said. Why would I listen to a squad of girls who go spreading there legs at every man they see. " Sona went to slap me but I didn't even blink as Mina caught her hand. We didn't say anything and just left to get ready for dance we all had next.

I was slightly late as I had to try amd dry my hair a little before I caught a cold.

When I got to the studio the teacher looked unimpressed at my tardiness. "Your new this year and your late already, I hope your dancing skills are better then your sense of time" I felt a little bit cocky today which i s why I replied "don't worry they are" she looked slightly amused and said "by all means show me what you got" I smirked over at the girls and Yoongi who's eyes u quickly found looking at mine.

I walked over to the machine and started to at the music.

Yoongi's POV
I was watching her, then I remembered the song and dance we made up a few years ago is what she was doing and decided to join in part way which made everyone shocked but we kept dancing full of passion.

Sorry not sorry by 1million

Your POV
You and Yoongi both high-fived and hugged while everyone came back to their senses and started cheering for you guys.

"Well clearly you have got the skills. Yoongi how did you know the dance though?" The teacher questioned whilst everyone else nodded confused.

"We made it together a few years ago, she was my best friend till she had to move and we were always making choreographies" Yoongi told her .

"Would you two like to do another before we start the class properly then?" The teacher questioned .

We both glanced at each other before quickly nodding.

Freak me by 1million

* time skip*
It was a two hour class and sir had taught us a bit of his our choreography before telling us to get in groups of three or more and create two choreographies of our own. I went with the girls while Yoongi went to his friends who he told me he would introduce to me later.

We had lots of fun making our choreos and we all agreed they were really good so when the teacher asked who wanted to go first we obviously volunteered.

Mi gente and everyday by 1million

Yoongi's POV

couldn't take my eyes of y/n while she was dancing, she always had that effect on me while dancing but this time while watching her my heart beat was seeming to increase although o couldn't figure out why so I decided to ignore it for now .

Soon enough it came for our turn to dance, I gave a quick dance in y/n's direction to see her already looking at me expectantly. I quickly looked away after making eye contact and got into my space.

dope and black swan by bts

Your POV
Whenever he was dancing my eyes were instantly drawn to him. 'why is my heart beating so loud right now?'

Authors pov
Hiiiiii this chapter was longer hope you enjoyed . Also I love 1million dance studio so I had to put in their dances.
If you cant see the dances search them on youtube I'll put the names underneath them for you guys.
all credit goes to the amazing dancers
Thank you, love ya 💕💕

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