Meeting Ms.Daisy

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"Sir she got rid of the evid-" Sunglasses starts.
"NO! She saw you, your face idiot! She saw all of you!"Snoke points a finger at everyone before sitting and placing two fingers on the bridge of his nose. He takes a deep breath and finally says,"Get rid of her."
I look up in shock. "Sir she's just a kid." Duchess says. "I don't care, you caused this problem I gave you a solution, the only solution."
Duchess scrunches her face and shoots sunglasses a disgusted look. He looks down at his feet then glances towards my way.  I look away, furious. If they think I'm going to help them with this..
"Baby" Snoke pats my shoulder, "Why don't you visit Rico down at Rico's mart, buy me something to calm my nerves, Bring it tomorrow will ya" " yes sir", I reply making my way towards the door and slamming it on my way out. I calmly approach my vehicle an old high rise pickup truck, much different than the small sports cars I drive for work. I settle trying to comprehend what Snoke just said. Their gonna kill her... I remember the way she looked at me. Fear mostly, gratitude, embarrassment, and other things I can't describe, all contorted into a hazel ring. Theres something the way her lips parted while trying to figure out my next move. The way her cheeks became a shade of crimson red even in the dark shadows of the parking garage. The way her legs folded when she crouched. "Dammit!" I scream banging the steering wheel. I can't let her go...I need more. I put my truck in reverse and pull out of the parking lot. I sigh to myself putting on a CD. "At last," by Etta James starts playing softly. During the trip to Rico's I glance at a nice looking building on a  corner. There's a dozen kids, in uniform, Just like the girl's, I think around a concrete staircase leading to double doors with stained glass on the windows. There's a sign at the bottom of the staircase that reads, "Seattle Preparatory School of S.T.E.A.M." What the fuck is steam? The light turns red and my truck comes to a halt. I see the double doors swing open and omg, there she is...fuck. She jogs down the stairs holding the straps of her backpack. Her glossy black flats shiny as ever making tapping noises down each step.  The light turns green but I pause seeing her talking to a group of kids at the bottom of the stairs. What is she talking about...she's smiling, did someone tell a joke? The car behind me honks and I accelerate slowly. I glance into my left mirror watching her cross the street, alone. Why is she alone? Someone should be with her at all times...especially now. Rico's mart is just ahead, I park looking into my left mirror once more seeing her get closer and closer. Shit shit shit shit... I hear a tapping sound, I look around and see drops of water hitting my windshield. The drops of water turn into huge drops slamming down hard. Really? Now? I look in the mirror trying to find the girl and sure enough she's running down the sidewalk drenched. She runs right up to my truck and god bless my truck is big she can't see me. She turns entering Rico's mart. I reach into the middle council pulling out an umbrella. This is not going to go well....but fuck it I need her safe. I exit the truck and enter Rico's.  I walk around the aisles and spot her. I keep my distance but it's not hard for her to see me. I'm easily taller than the aisle racks. I watch her make her way to the small clothing rack in the back of the store. She reaches on her tiptoes to try and grab what looks like a pair of gloves but can't quite reach. She lets out a soft grunt scrunching her face eventually she gives up settling back down on her heels. I slowly start walking towards her she turns please don't scream please don't scream. She freezes  glaring into my eyes, breath hitching. She backs up into the rack and puts her hands up by her face, palms facing me. "Please please, I didn't tell anybody!" Her voice is low and cracking. No no no please don't cry."I'm not here to hurt you I swear, I just want to talk." I walk closer reaching above her. She flinches away looking down. I stretch my arm grabbing the pair of black mittens and handing them to her. "Here" I say. She timidly takes them, fingertips grazing my palm. Jesus her hands are freezing. "Look, we need to talk but not here." I say "I need to get something, but I can buy you those gloves and maybe get you something warm?" She looks at me confused then nods. "You're not gonna kill me right?" She says with a nervous laugh. "Of course not" I say. Fuck...I catch myself staring when she slides sideways out of view and asks,"So what are you gonna buy?" "Uh" fuck am I really going to buy weed in front of her. "Just some special candy for my boss." She looks up confused. "He likes a special kind." She processes this and her eyes widen. "Oh" she says. I make my way to the register and surprisingly she follows. "Rico! Ay Rico!" Rico peeks out from the back. "Ah my favorite customer, what are we having today baby?" I realize she doesn't know me and someone calling me baby can send the wrong message. I take a look at her and sure enough her face is sending question marks everywhere. "Uh two pounds of gummy bears please and these mittens here." The girl tosses the mittens on the counter and clasps her hands in her lap looking down. Rico shoots her a look then me. "I don't recall you having a daughter baby, what's your name sweets?" "Uh I'm not his daughter, sir, I just didn't have enough money for the gloves, and my name is Daisy,"She says. Daisy..."Well I'm no sir darling, and uh good for you baby doing a good deed." Rico rings me up and puts everything in a brown bag. "Thanks again Rico, see you next time." He gives me a wink and I'm on my way. I look outside it's still raining. I walk out opening my umbrella and putting it over Daisy. Ah daisy...She gives me a small smile "Can I have the mittens now?" Oh shit I'm not done with her...I need to tell her. "Oh yeah uh I kinda need you to come with me." I say pointing at my truck with my thumb. "What! No I'm not getting in a car with you!" She yells. "Look I already told you I'm not gonna hurt you, I need to tell you something important and you look freezing just let me take care of you tonight please." She looks at me in shock and then softens her face blushing. "Come on" I say leading her to the passenger seat of my truck. I open the door and realize her waist barely meets the bottom of my truck. She looks embarrassed and lifts her left arm gripping the seat, I put the umbrella away taking her right hand and gently pushing the small of her back to giver her a boost. She settles and whispers a quiet,"Thank you." I nod and close the door. I get into the drivers seat, start the car, and look her way. She moved as far away as possible shoulder pressed against the door legs squeezed together. Jesus try to make light of the situation "I know where to get the best hot chocolate. Sound good?" She looks at me and nods," Ok, sure yeah." She says. "Alright let's go, and Daisy?" She looks at me. "There is no need to be afraid I promise." Not for long. She sighs and seems to relax a little. I head to my favorite diner "Patty's" which is way better than all that Starbucks shit. We arrive and I park upfront. Ok now this is the hard part. Let's hope she takes people tryna kill her nicely. Shit

That's it! Please comment any feedback will help.

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