the grand picture

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                                                           chapter 1 : how it happened

                   'BEEP BEEP BEEP' "ahhhhh ok ok im up im up uhhhhhh" i throw a pillow at the alarm clock i turn it off and fall back asleep.My mom comes in to my room and wakes me up a minute later.'My my dont that alarm clock work." "Come on I  got pancakes on the table." I get up off course growling my head off. Oh sorry im so forgetful. Hi im madison im 16 and i hate mornings.I live in a small 3 bedroom apartment.Its ok if u have only 4 people live at the place. We live north of 158th street . Chistmas is so beautiful here but the people here dont know much about what chistmas is really about.Ok so enough about me lets get back to the story :). So  i got on my clothes and went to the kichen .I sat at the table and started to eat but it was so hard to eat when i could hear the  moaning of my sister.I thought "is that what i really sound like'' then out comes my mom. "So whats up at school-eo today " "well nothing that i know of" i said kind of in a tired way. "hey wheres my hair brush madison" said katlin.  "i dont know go and find it" i said  "i think u left it in the cabinet "mom said. "BEEP BEEP" " oh theres the bus bye luv u" i said rushing out the door on to the bus. Many many many stops later i got to the school . I got off and meet my friend . "so what going on" jada said "my mom all of a sudden wanted to know about me" i said "weird ,so are u going to the audition." ''what audition." " really u dont know the one on the Broadway its chirstmas season." "u really sould go." my friend hannah  came up suddenly and said. "well i dont know " 'oh come on " both of them said at the same time '' fine " ''eeeeeppppp great its after school see u there " i texted my mom be late coming home.''RRRIIINNNNNGGGGG'' the bell said in a annying way ''grr" i sat through 8 class the the final bell rang ''RRRRRRIIIIIIINNNNNNNGGGGGGGG" it said in a annying way . i went to the place there was hannah they called my name "eeeeepppppp good luck" "thanks" i said all shakin up.

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