Chapter One

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Bakugo POV

"But why!?" I yelled at Deku. He was sitting on his bed while I paced back and forth in front of it. There were stacks of boxes in the room that I wish weren't there.

"Kacchan you know we have to do this." He said not looking up from his lap.

"No you don't! My mom offered for you guys to stay with us!"

"You think I don't know that?! I have begged her every day to let me stay with you but every time she says no! She-she says he changed but I don't believe it! I want to stay here with you! " He got up and hugged me, "I will come back soon I promise. Just wait in 5 years we will be back together just you wait." he started crying.

"I'm going to miss you nerd." 

"I'll miss you too Kacchan." We stayed there hugging each other until I had to go. I wouldn't be able to see Deku again for three days and after that who knows how long. I tried to stay optimistic like he did but I couldn't. I said goodbye and me and my mom drove home in silence.


The days had gone by fast and before I knew it we were headed to the airport. I was talking with Deku both of us trying not to cry. He got into his bag and pulled something out. 

"Here take it!" He said handing me his favorite hoodie. I looked at him puzzled and asked," But that's your favorite why are you giving it to me?" 

"so you'll remember me, dummy!" I grabbed the hoodie and took off mine so I could put on Deku's, "Here take mine then. Now we both can remember each other." He smiled and hugged me until his flight was called. We said our last goodbyes and hopped for the day we would see each other again.

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