Chapter Fifteen - Sweetimental Matters

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I have completely changed things in my story and have decided to put Sticky and Swizzles First Date in a separate book as this story was originally intended to focus on Ripplelina and Daimian. If you want to continue reading about how Swizzle and Sticky's date go, read Swirly Sweet Date Chapter One before reading this chapter, thanks!

The Rainbow Bridge
- Continuing from Swirly Sweet Date - Chapter One

Ripplelina sighed as she looked up at the Sugar Rush night sky. She felt glad that she could help two of her Sugar Rush racers, but she also felt a strong responsibility to them. Her protectiveness over her racers stood strongly and it was something she derived from her own mother's protectiveness when she was younger. Tears formed in the Queen's eyes, the stars making them sparkle. Even when she was sad, there would always be a form of beauty within. She strokes a glimmering bracelet on her wrist." I miss you mother..." A tear rolled down her cheek as she leaned against the wall. She had such a strong bond with her mother, that it devastated her when she disappeared. Ripplelina herself was still young when it happened, and since then, she had felt alone. Luckily, Daimian was the one who treated her well and was there for her even in her moments of loneliness. That was one of the reasons why she fell in love with him. He was the one who stood by her side everytime. Even though he may have acted boastful and so full of himself in public, when he was alone with her, he acted completely different. He was kind, caring and understanding, which confused Ripplelina. And they grew closer after his confession, to the point she, in turn, started to feel the same way...
She quickly shakes her head, her cheeks quite pink at the memory. "I have to get back..." She muttered. She suddenly gasps and clutches her baby stomach in pain. The baby had kicked her for the first time! And it had kicked her pretty hard. She leaned against the wall, breathing heavily. The kick had not only made her breathless, but she was now very weak, and was struggling to use her legs. She couldn't keep up her strength and fell to the ground, clutching her stomach as she cried out, "Help me...! Please...!" She then looked up as she heard something in the sounded like a howl...what was it...? Whatever made that sound, held so much strength and power...a power that made her heart skip a beat...and just at the edge of the Rainbow Bridge, she saw a shadow walk straight towards her...right to her! She closes her eyes as her head began to spin. It was all too much for her, and what she really wanted was to go home to bed. The creature lightly paced towards her. Ripplelina wearily opens her eyes a little. She couldn't make out what the creature was, as her tiredness made her vision blurred, but whatever it was, it was coming closer and closer to her. Whatever it was, she didn't want to be here! She tried to sit up, but she was too weak and too fatigued to even move. The creature sniffs her, before gently nuzzling her, almost like it were trying to get her to stay awake. Ripplelina whispers "Home...I go...home..." Then, her tiredness overwhelms her body, and she closes her eyes, not waking up. The creature nuzzled her more, but doesn't get a response. It's eyes then widen as it notices the bracelet on her wrist, almost like it had seen that bracelet before. The creature gently nuzzles her again, but, seeing she wasn't waking up, gently lifts her onto its back and carries her away.

Meanwhile, Gloyd, was already home. In fact, he was sitting on the rooftop of his candy corn home, gazing up at the stars in the night sky. "Ripplelina was so sweet to me today...she helped me and cared for me...and..." He clutches his heart as it skips a beat. It had begun thudding. Just mentioning or even thinking about the Queen would make his heart skip a beat...he was for certain that he liked her more than a Ruler and a friend "N-No can I have a crush on such a...sweet...caring and beautiful angel...?" He sighs happily. It was a good matter how much he tried to evade it, he couldn't hide the fact that he liked the Queen of Sugar Rush. He then looks down at the chocolate rose in his hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2021 ⏰

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