The Monster with Teeth

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Whereas Danny comes in contact with the questionable protagonists and realizes, oh shit I have to escape myself.

From the limited bits and pieces, I can remember from the manga the only that really stood out to me, as in, highlighted and signed with red flourish, was that Mama was a backstabbing bitch and secretly conspiring to feed me to the demons.

You must understand, when fed that much knowledge of you and your family's eventual demise you would also understandably freak out when faced with your tormentor, however good of a reason she had to sell you out like that.

Not like I had any problem with that, nope, nada, my existential crisis will come to an end now.

But to show you I had exactly no problems with this I freaked out and went crazy apparently, had screamed, and yelled, and kicked, and punched was what Gina told me when I asked her to fill me in. I felt bad for scaring the children, they didn't have to see my subsequent breakdown from being betrayed by my mother-figure. The protagonists, who were supposed to be the escape plan, now reduced to tiny little babies with milk teeth and soft little tummies to blow raspberries on, I was on my own to escape.

I didn't exactly remember much from my previous life, every time I would try to think some more details pertaining to the plot, my brain would feel like it was being compressed, squeezed, exploded, and overall one of the worst headaches I had the displeasure of working with. But I suppose that's what happens when you die and apparently get reincarnated into a murderous, trigger happy anime. For all I know I could've been made into one of the characters' tragic background stories.

But it irritates me that I couldn't remember why this was a thing that happened at all. If a knew one day my life would depend on a in depth knowledge of a manga, I only had a passing interest on, well, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

I'm in the infirmary now with a pounding headache and a newfound appreciation for Ray, who would grow up to become suicidal and a little shit but for now he distracted Mama with his exaggerated cries enough for me to build a charade of acting the same around her.

Afterall, even if I was from another world, the bonds that I created here were real and now to think of my older siblings being offered up like a lamb to slaughter from Mama, well... it made me physically sick to the stomach.

My stream of consciousness is rudely interrupted by Norman letting out a small chirp from under my arm, his piercing eagle like eyes staring through my soul like he had known exactly what I was thinking about, he had apparently taken a liking to me and refused to let go until I had my seizure and Mama had to physically pull him away.

He's been glued to my side and only leaves when it comes time to feed, other then that, he lays in my lap like a spoiled cat and naps all day. Mama only smiled indulgently and patted my head just like how she used to. The difference was that I was immediately was on alert and gave her a stiff smile unlike my usually full of love ones. Knowing that the person you looked up to was a murderer really was a bummer on your soul.

Talking about Mama, she was tutoring Peter after his disastrous failure in class, the only real good thing that came out of me fainting. I had been a little frustrated with him, originally me helping with his homework so he won't fail had become 'Let's see how much of my work Danny could do'. So honestly, he deserved every single thing that Mama was doling out to him.

"Danny! How can you just sit there!" Peter yelps, trying to excerpt himself from Mama's merciless hands that had no trouble using subtle coercions to inspire him into doing his own work.

I don't pay him any mind, more intent on studying Mama and trying to fill in the holes of what I don't remember from the manga.

"You brought this onto yourself Peter, I've been trying to help you but all you do is loaf round'."

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