Sitting on the bench staring over La Perla, I inhale from the burning paper and sigh as the sun sets behind the clouds. The night air cools over the city in a hushed voice, ready to be amplified from the disappearance of the yellow moon.
Red, purple, and pink cotton candy clouds hang lazily in the air above the vast ocean. From this view the water is an endless abyss. My boiling blood rushes to to my face and keeps me warm against the cool breeze. Chickens sing proudly in their stride without fear of torment.
I toss my head back waiting for the dizziness to fade away from the strong fruity drink, the grass is stained with my pain as I lay back and look at the sky from ants view.
Even here home bothers me, the gnawing feeling of my temporary escape slowly extends its cringing hand upon me, but I digress.
Another deep breath shoots out my lips, added by a deep inhale from the burning paper who chased my worry away. I sit up to find you staring at me, curiously wondering how long you have observed my involuntary rush of panic. I look boldly into your eyes praying you don't mention it, and you don't.
On the inside I rejoice our continued moment of silence. Your understanding of me beguiles me still, nevertheless I allow you to piece me together thought by thought.
To see your deep mahogany skin contrasting against the rainbow sky takes my very breath away. God created us for this perfect moment to come and bring about life to our union in Puerto Rico. An event so superb, the sun and moon shared the sky to see us together, jealous that they may miss this sweet opportunity to witness our love grow.
With glassy eyes,
I grab my green Polaroid camera from my bag in a quick haste. Checking the film count to make sure I had enough chances to catch you in this moment, I quickly shut the back of the camera and clicked the button. Confused from the bright light and the snapping sound you look up quickly with glazed eyes.We laugh loudly together from the terrible attempt of inconspicuousness. Successfully snatching the camera from my frigid fingers, you take your glasses off to perfectly line your eyes to the tiny glass window in the camera.
Shocked from this hostile takeover, i jump on my knees and cover the lens quickly, but your too fast. Before I know it there's a Polaroid of my embarrassment in the palm of your hands, and you laugh.————————————————-
Another day......There's so many different lighting modes on this fujifilm you don't know which one to choose. Groaning in frustration I reach out to take the Polaroid camera out of your hands, but you raise your unnecessarily long arms in the air. How rude. The seemingly unfair height difference between the two of us is unpleasantly annoying. Nonetheless you find the grey sun on the light green machine and take a step back mockingly.
The sand massages our feet as we run around the grainy earth. Slowing down we stop to catch our breaths, trying not to laugh and rob ourselves of anymore wasted oxygen. The humid air is thick yet ocean breeze causes a light perspiration around our faces. Your beautiful skin glows in the sun like blazed bronze, and I stop to admire the view. Taking this chance to catch me dead in my tracks, you flick the camera up and snap another Polaroid of me in Puerto Rico. What a collection we've made..........
Stories to tell with the lights on
Short StoryNot so short stories ready to send chills up your spine. some mature story plots. 18+. viewer discretion advised. none of these has been taken in for final edits. these are only rough drafts i decided to share with you all. stay tuned for finished p...