The Rage

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This starts off with a boy, he was smart, had the good looks, and rarely got into trouble. His name was Jax.
Jax never knew his parents he was told that they were dead after childbirth so he was adopted by a ruthless family that disgusted him in a way that is not possible to tell.
Tuesday, September 13th, 1967
Jax woke up and did his daily getting ready to go to school from brushing teeth to taking a shower and getting prepared for it. His stepmother Agnis walked in the bathroom in disgust.
"What do you think your doing, huh?" She said walking towards him with anger. "uhh what do you mean I'm just getting dressed up for school." Jax said with a vast amount of curiosity.

Agnis slapped Jax across the face and pushed him back. Jax tumbled backward and began to regain his footing. "AH what the hell you crazy bitch!!?" Jax screamed that at his stepmother, and she began to walk away in a hurry. Jax continues to get prepared for school.

Later that day in school Jax is telling his best friend Aaron about what happened at home, they both laughed at the fact that for the first time she just walked away instead of attempting to beat him.
"How could you deal with such a jerk mother? I think that you should try to get a new home instead of that one." Said Aaron with a bit of a joking tone. "oh trust me I've tried to but if I do the old man will shoot me for "lieing to the law" I hate it so much." Jax said .

The bell rang and they quickly sprinted to their classes without hesitation.
It turned 12:35 on the mechanical clock, In the middle of the science Lesson Jaxs teacher received a phone call, she picked up and looked at Jax while listening to what was said by the main office. "umm Jax please hurry Down to the office, it uhh deemed very urgent." Ina state of major confusion Jax followed the order and jogged to the office while thinking about what could of happened.

He arrived at the office and noticed 7 men In black tuxedos. He went up to the desk and asked "uh hi did you need some for something?"
The lady operating the desk did not answer him and just glanced toward the men.
The men moved toward him and tried to grab him, immediately he began to run after shrugging off one of their hands.
The men started after him and were yelling at Jax to stop, Jax took the corner and ran out of the school, the men grew tired and stopped chasing but we're still looking, " ugh who are those guys? What ever I outran them. huh I didn't run out of breathe that's odd." Jax said, he was curious as to why this was happening and to how fast he was without losing his own breath.

Later at the end of the school day he crept back to the school as stealthily as possible, he noticed kids leaving to go home and also noticed three men standing watch over the front yard, he turned around and ran to the city district, of Racoon city, it was night and he decided that he couldn't go back home because of his terrible family, so he relied on mere survival.

THE SAME DAY 7:49 pm
It was quiet on the streets, so quiet you can hear the scraps of paper flying around hitting building and the ground. Jax stood up and saw a black car with the siren lights on, four of them trapped Jax into the Allie way he was hiding in. " WHAT DO YOU WANT PLEASE LEAVE NE ALONE!!!!" Jax yelled this repeatedly and received no answer except, " please come out of hiding with your hands up and ready to be in custody"
The men all got out of the car there were about 16 agents total two of them in each car stood with a stun rod, the others with bare hands. " don't make us do this, you need to be contained" said the group leader. ". What do you mean contained I didn't do anything" Jax was confused yet very angry with his current situation.

One of the men were given a signal to approach Jax.
He walked toward him, the man hooked Jax with a strong blow to the chin, Jax staggers and was turned by the punch.Facing the wall Jax slightly looked up and lost control of his thoughts, his eyes turned a bright yellow and he burst with a fit of rage blowing the men slightly back with the powerful wind of hate and emotion.

Jax quickly turned around with his instincts kicked in, at. Seeming full throttle.
Jax uncontrollably ran toward the man who hit him and stabbed his entire arm through his chest, he pulled it out at the speed of light, and let the blood shoot from his chest cavity and rain on the ground.
This happened so quick that the whole left while the corpse was standing was being looked through by the men, they could see Jaxs eyes yellow and he was smiling after his brutal kill.
The men all sprinted towards him and as one approached Jax kicked him in the chest making him fly backward to a dumpster about three feet away, the men all stared to attack him "AHHHHHHHHHHHH" Jax was screaming with the rage of his family, the rage of hate, the rage of this situation, but he didn't know what he was doing.
All of the men beat him down to the ground with stun rods and hidden trank darts, Jaxs fell to the ground.

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