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Jax woke up confused and with a headache in a very weird place, he was hooked up to machines and in a glass dome in a lab.
" Wha.. what where...where am I?" Jax said this while observing the room.
A woman Ina white overcoat was walking by with a clipboard, "HEY, you mam please where am I?!" It seemed as if she couldn't hear or she was ignoring him.
She stopped and turned around and walked toward Jax and was seemingly recording data.

Jax woke up still in the small dome, it was dark, the lights were off and it seems as if the building had closed up while he was asleep.
"Shit" Jax said looking for a way out.

Jax the started to smack against the glass as hard as he could, it cracked, he started to kick the glass and with a great deal of luck it broke.
" Dammit that had to of alerted the people" said Jax.

He got out and ran to the desk looking for a weapon as if he was going to need it.

He wandered around aimlessly looking for an exit.He walked by a room, he opened the door and saw his cloths and a blood pack that read "unknown " as the blood type.
He put on the cloths, took the blood pack in a bag and ran.
He found an elevator but it was heavily guarded, the heavy uniforms worn by the men had ammo guns and an odd symbol on their vests, he noticed the floor had a giant one and some of the doors. It was an odd octagonal shape with red and white as its color.

Jax moved in slightly only to see the guards stand to attention and aim their weapons at the front door, one looked at the other and pointed him to slowly start moving back.As they crept back a large bullet whizzed through the glass door and penetrated the guard on the right, he fell to the ground as the other guard looked at him fall and started to fire at the door.
He was also shot down, as this was happening more guards started to storm from the room opposite the glass door, a gun battle has occurred but Jax couldn't see what was going on and who was the other shooter.

Jax quickly crawled over to a table and grabbed a fork and crawled back to the wall, a soldier was running and tripped and dropped his pistol, Jax lifted the soldiers helmet as he was down and stabbed the fork directly into his throat, he was dead.
Jax took the pistol and began to try and fire at the guards from the facility, there were about 19 of them left because of the gun fight that was still occurring, Jax shot and killed 2 of them he began to run outside foolishly and was shot in his right arm.
He woke up later on in a jungle like place, he viewed his hands they had blood but not the arm he was shot from. He shrugged off what happened quickly and began to travel up the path in an odd jungle, he often thought to himself how amazingly quick shit went down the drain, he saw a mountain that looked beautiful in the morning light with clouds sailing below the mountain top, but Jax felt as if something was calling to him up there, he left that alone and began to travel to the distant village ahead.

3 years past.
Jax walked up to the merchant in the village and greeted him Nicely because they were good friends, Jax picked up a basket of fruit and leafs.
He walked along greeting all of the towns folk on the dirt road and in the market.
Jax was in a Chinese village that isn't discovered by the United States or even China. it was ancient, Jax was around long enough to be friends with everybody and learn the arts of this village. Jax never forgot what happened three years ago at the lab, or even when it all started.
Jax brought the food to his mentor in language and learning, they both are and had a good talk and laugh, this old man was known as the wise.
Jax went to bed and seven hours later Jax began to scream and cry out loud in his nightmare. the wise rushed in and woke him up, Jax was startled and and quickly calmed by a familiar face.
At about dusk the room was dark other than a candle that was lit in between the man and Jax as they were meditating.
The man told Jax a story of a ancient fodder that lives upon the mountain of the Great Gorge.
Jax was intrested in every word and tale spoken by the Wise.
Jax packed up his things and began to climb the very large mountain.
Even after days and nights of pain and agony of the treacherous climb he pushed on through hunger and thirst.
Jax finally saw the building that looked like a very large pagoda with a large yard and what seems to be a training ground.
Jax reached the top and saw a very old man Levitating atop a large rock.

The man quickly shot his eyes toward Jaxs direction and quickly asked what his business was doing here.
"What are you doing here the great Jax?No don't answer you came to seek peace with yourself and find out how to fight, and learn how to unleash you power and how to control it." the man said with a sort of attitude.
"Wait what, yes I wanted to find peace but what do you mean my.. my power or anger, I do seek training but how and what do you mean?" Jax was surprised and didn't know what to say

Ok young child come over and show me how you hit a being. Jax was in a hurry and dropped his things and tripped over a little running toward the wooden dummy.
"Why am I starting now I mean.."
" NO look over and start now no eating or sleeping, only hard work" the old man said.
Jax didn't take him to seriously until the old man had broke his wrist with three tiny movements and forced Jax to keep fighting.

Jax had been woken up by the old man from a half hour sleep, Jax drank water and felt completely sore from the training yesterday.
Jax didn't enjoy it but he did realize that continuously hitting that wooden dummy majorly toughened his hands and dealing with pain without an issue.
" Get up your too lazy, get to work on chopping down the trees of ditsu" the old man said.
Ditsu trees are what Jax was punching and he never even scratched the dummy made out of them. The tree is known by few to be the strongest and largest trees on the planet.
" Hurry up your slow and slow is dead remember that." the man said.
" What am I even training for you won't even let me think about why I just wanted to find answers." said jax
The man jumped off the pagodas third roof next to jax without any trouble.
" Im training you because I saw what was ahead and I saw what you went through many years ago, I'm training you because I can see your very important even past my knowledge." jax was reassured after that speech and continues to train harder than ever before.
After weeks of hard labor the man was very impressed because jax was confident and ready and happy to learn and train. This man taught Jax just about everything he new of course after a seven year period.

Jax was promonant and stronger than ever before he learned how to hone his skills and slowly is finding his inner abilities that don't need to be used than have to wait he is constantly into it. Jax was now even smarter than ever and learned the most deadly tricks to fighting ever and was very strong in physical and mental ways.
The problem with Jax is that he still has one hundred percent potential to discover.
Jax was an amazing being of course unlike anybody, he and the old man never understood why.

"Boy, go And make me another detsu table, it will teach confidence." said the man. "What, are you being serious? Master please I haven't made one yet and I have enough confidence"
"No child you don't understand, and do not question me again I will end your miserable life if I must, now go." the old man walked away without a care in the world as if it wasn't true.

Jax started to try and make one.
After hours and hours of trying to even get a leg done he got aggravated and threw the steel axe he used down into the weak soil, and marched over to his bed inside and slept the night off.
The next morning the old man walked outside without awaking Jax and noticed the axe, tree and no table.
The old man walked inside the room and woke Jax from sleep. " awake Jax we have another lesson for you."
" Ugh..yes sir I'm up" said Jax.

They walked outside and started to spar. The old man was to take the punches and kicks. when the man thought him unsuccessful of a strike he would hit him to the ground.
" AH what the hell, why did you hit mee.. AHHHHHH dammit that hurts!" said Jax feeling the strike all the way through.
" You failed there's reason, now get up and fight."

Jax had every strike on point but the man still hurt him back in return.
"NOO I CANT DO IT, SCREW YOU." Jax screamed this and his eyes once again grew red but then the aura of the flame had essentially exploded and turned to normal but he still felt the anger and rage and the power.
Jax felt in control and felt so strong that he smiled manically at him.

Jax immediately uppercut the man with great force and sent him flying backward hitting the fence that separates the edge of the mountain and him, Jax in a flash started to repeatedly punch him. Jax lifted the mans face which was no longer a match for him
"Your done old Man". said Jax and heAd butt him so hard it broke his nose to the back of his brain thus killing him instantly.

" Ugh finally, that's over."
Jax stood up straight and began to pack his things with the utmost confidence in himself.
From there he began to climb the highest heights of the desert and other ancient places alone, he began to challenge himself more than the old man did, and from there began to completely train himself without concern. Jax learned every type of fighting style and tricks, and even created his own of both.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2015 ⏰

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