Chapter 4

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Pansy's POV
Me and Blaise went to go check on draco since we haven't Hung out yet so we went to his place in the castle and saw him cuddled up with Ron on the couch so I woke them up after all it was a Saturday and I wanted to go to hogsmade for a butterbeer "wake up love birds let's go to hogsmade" I said "no go away I wanna cuddle I'm comfortable" draco mumbled "draco Ron wake up" I yelled as Blaise burst out laughing because they fell off the couch "geez pansy any louder don't think California heard you" Ron said making me laugh "ok I'm sorry but get ready we will meet you guys at hogsmade at ten sharp don't be late" I said as me and Blaise walked out

Ron's POV
"I don't wanna go wanna stay and sleep next to me again darling" I asked draco "yes I really do bub they'll get over us ditching them" draco said as we went back to sleep I woke up at ten thirty draco was talking to himself "am I good enough for Ron maybe Hermiones right he deserves better after all the pain I put him through" draco was mumbling "no I want you and you only" I said kissing his forehead and getting up

"Bub can we sing I'm bored I wanna sing" draco asked "if that's what you really want then we can sing love" I said as he smiled so wide "ok I don't know any songs so we will make it up on the way we go ok" draco said "alright love wanna start" I said "yeah hmm ok" draco said

(Instead of it saying girl pretend it says boy 👍)
Me and draco finished singing and dancing around the room when we heard clapping from Blaise and pansy "that was great guys you could be famous singers" Blaise said "it was so adorable you guys are the cutest couple" pansy said as me and draco blushed and looked at the ground "hope you don't mind but I recorded it and published it online" pansy said

"What you posted it" I said "oh look it's blowing up it's going viral told you guys you were an adorable couple" pansy said "pans yeah but Ron's not out to his parents yet so they might see it" draco said "oh I didn't know I'm so sorry I thought you were since you and draco made it public to the school I'm sorry" pansy said "it's fine Atleast I won't have to tell them now" I said and hugged pansy since she was a little upset at herself

"Thanks Ron Atleast you guys had a good reason to ditch us" pansy said "we waited for ten minutes then went without you guys it was fun" Blaise said "sorry about that we didn't feel like going" draco said as I put my arm around his shoulder "let's go eat lunch come on you two" pansy said as me and draco put on our shoes and went with them I sat at slytherin table this time then mail came a whole punch of birds came and dropped letters in between me and draco they were for both of us

"Well this is interesting why so much mail" draco said looking at the letters they were all howlers "why are they howlers we haven't done anything" I said "open one check" Blaise said so I did

"Hello I saw your video online and I just wanted to say it with my voice that your guyses singing was amazing please start your own channel with songs your voices are incredible I would definitely listen to them all the time"

As we opened the rest it was the same thing people stared and went on there phones to see the video finally there was a normal letter for me from my parents "oh no my parents" I said

"Dear Ron
We found out you are gay Hermione told us I don't think you should come this Christmas we still need time to think since we wanted grandchildren in the future also we know Ginny is dating Luna but she can still have kids unlike you and draco also please don't owl us back just stay at school this Christmas

My jaw dropped draco grabbed the letter and read it then he hugged me tight so I hugged him back he got out of my arms and walked over to Hermione the next thing I know draco slapped her leaving her cheek red as Fred is holding him back so I rush over "Fred let him go" I said "no your boyfriend just slapped Hermione he hurt her" Fred said "Fred let him go also maybe Hermione deserved it I don't even know why I was ever her friend" I snapped back Fred let go of draco and Hermione stared at me in shock

"Who even are you anymore" George said hugging Hermione "someone who was just disowned by his own parents because Hermione decided to out me to them let's go love" I said as me and draco walked away to the astronomy tower at the very top I sat near the railing hoping I would slip as draco sat on my lap facing me

"Hey bub I know what your thinking and please don't hurt yourself I love you I don't wanna lose you" draco said "love I'm sorry for even thinking about it I love you to" I said as draco kissed me we started making out as I bit his lower lip so I could slip my tongue in his mouth exploring it all as he moaned it turned me on and I grew hard he felt it and started rubbing my dick through my pants as I started kissing his neck then we both undressed and he started sucking on my dick making me moan in pleasure so I pushed him down and put in a couple fingers before I put my cock in him once he got used to it I slipped in my dick

I started going in and out going quicker and harder every time he moaned then I changed the angle and I hit a good spot of him "oh god yes Ron right there faster please" draco yelled as I went faster making him moan more then I come in him and he come to his went all over us "that felt good carry me back to my place please" draco asked "of course love just put on my sweater and we will go" I said he put on my sweater and I carried him back I said the password and the door opened

"You guys are back oh my" Blaise said see a half naked draco "oh geez didn't know that woud happen to put you two in a good mood" pansy said "shut it pans now I'm going to my room to put on clothes you can put me down now bub" draco said so I did once he took a step he fell Blaise and pansy started laughing "bub carry means stop these two from laughing" draco said I picked up draco and once we entered the room I grabbed him clothes and he changed I carried him back to sit on the chair next to to the couch draco sat on my lap

"I always knew you were a bottom even when you claimed you were definitely a top" Blaise said smirking "oh shut it Blaise I don't even care since it's good" draco said and I burst out laughing with pansy as Blaise was at a loss of words and we just continued our day

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