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he can't take yeseul off his mind ever since he saw her at the supermarket

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he can't take yeseul off his mind ever since he saw her at the supermarket. he realized how much she had changed physically. her once luscious long hair is now short and dyed blonde. she made use of her  fashion sense to better her curves and long legs.

jaehyun didn't hate the change, however he loved her new found maturity. but he felt wrong to still have feelings for her when he is related with the murderer of her father.

"jae, you good?" taeyong who has just entered the leader's office asked, taking jaehyun out of his trance.

"yeah." jaehyun replied.

"really? you've been acting weird ever since you got injured." taeyong said.

"im literally fine yong." jaehyun replied.

"jaehyun, if you have any problems you should let it out. don't try to deal it by yourself" taeyong said, worried.

"i- i saw her" jaehyun finally let it out. receiving no response from his friend.

"and the guilt just keeps me up at night. and i- i just can't sleep knowing my own father killed the one family she had left. " jaehyun continued.

"and knowing how much she cried every night after his death just makes me feel even more fucked up." jaehyun stated tears slowly coming out of his eyes.

"you shouldn't take the blame for your father's stupid and evil actions. it wasn't your fault and it will never be." taeyong replied comforting jaehyun.

"you should take a rest and clear your head. johnny wouldn't like it to have his best friend sad at his wedding tomorrow." taeyong joked trying to lighten up the mood.


the leader spent his day coped up in his room resting as much as he can. well, with taeyong's constant nagging of course. the second man in charge didn't give jaehyun any chance to work.

"hey hyung" haechan entered his room without knocking.

"have you ever heard of knocking?" jaehyun rolled his eyes at haechan's behaviour.

"too lazy" hyuck replied boringly as he sat down on the corner of the bed.

"why are you here?" jaehyun asked and continued reading his book.

"we saw yeseul noona yesterday." hyuck replied looking down at his hands.

"apparently she's acquaintances with yangyang. she cut her hair short too, it looks good on her." hyuck continued as he didn't receive any replies from the other man.

"why are you telling me this." jaehyun asked trying to conceal the suprise in his voice.

"im just informing you. don't you want to see her again?" he replied finally turning his head to look at jaehyun.

"for what hyuck. we fought and we broke up. end of story." jaehyun replied trying to end this conversation.

"you guys had a misunderstanding! and i know for a fact you want her back." hyuck stated.

"so what if i want her back hyuck? she'll never want to look at me ever again if she knew what truly happened to her father. in the end, we are never meant to be with eachother." jaehyun growled.

[eek void 1k reads woohoo!]

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